Chapter 13 || Class

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It was now Friday, the day of Leorio's party, no doubt someone I know is gonna get blackout drunk, "G'morning Neon," I yawned, stretching as I walked into the classroom

"Well someone sure is tired," She taunted

"No shit Sherlock it's 7 in the fucking morning. No class should start this early," I said yawning again as I settled into my seat resting my head on the desk, "I swear the time of this class changes every goddamn day,"

"You're right about that," She agreed fiddling with a piece of paper

Steven had walked in and sat across the room, as usual, followed by Ponzu and Pokkle coming to sit in the seats they always do.

Ms. Bisky walked out of her office and up to the front of the room rubbing her head, "Ok, so today I'm super hungover so we're gonna watch a movie," She said projecting her computer screen on the whiteboard, "I don't care what you do, homework or whatever just don't be loud. When class ends someone come wake me up,"

"Nnnnbut Ms. Kruger aren't you supposed to be teaching," Steven said as she turned off the lights

"This is my class, I can do whatever the hell I want, now shut up and let me take a nap,"

She pressed play and the classic Disney opening started playing. I didn't pay attention to what she had upon. I just stood up and walked to the very back of the class sitting down on the cold vinyl floor in the corner.

I took my sketch pad out of my bag sitting with my knees up so I could prop the book on my thighs and started drawing, it was hard to see but I didn't care. I tied my hair up in a bun, some strands falling onto my face and neck.

I took out my pencil and started drawing.

"Whatcha drawin' there Killua," Neon whispered in my ear

I got scared and scrunched up into the wall covering my face with my sketchbook. I slowly lowered it to see her staring at me.

"Jeezus christ, please don't do that," I whisper yelled, closing the book and setting it down beside me.

She giggled, "Heh, get this that Steven kid is taking notes on Mulan,"

Oh, so that's the movie, "Pfffft, really,"

"Umm, anyways, what time should I come over to your dorm," She asked sitting down next to me

I thought for a second, "That depends, when does the party start,"

"Like around 9 or ten," She said checking her phone

"Ok, then you can come around 8:45 or something like that," I said, "Then you, Gon, and I can take his car,"

"Wait a second, you don't have a car?" She asked astonished

"Who doesn't have a car," Ponzu asked sitting down followed by Pokkle

"I don't really need one since I usually walk everywhere," I said rubbing the back of my neck

"Woah Killua, you look really hot right now," Ponzu said

"Me? Hot? Please," I said, "All I'm wearing is a flannel, jeans, and turtleneck. And plus my hair looks atrocious right now,"

The group giggled and I blushed a little. I'm not used to compliments like that.

"Are you two going to that one dude's party," Pokkle asked still giggling

"Yeah, we are!" Neon said, "By the way, how do you guys know Leorio,"

"Oh, haha, he went to my high school and we were pretty good friends back then," Pokkle said, "Ponzu's just my plus one,"

I checked my watch to see what time it was, "It's 8:27, class is over in a few minutes," I said, "I'm gonna go wake up Ms. Bisky,"

They nodded and I stood up and started walking to the front of the room. When I got there I tapped her shoulder, "Uh, Bisky, it's time to wake up. Class is over in uhhh," I checked my watch, "two minutes,"

"Yeah, thanks buddy, you're dismissed go back to your dorm and make out with your boyfriend or something," She said still half asleep

I started hardcore blushing, "Wha-what," I looked back over at her, "And she's asleep again, whatever,"

"W-we can go everyone," I yelled fast walking up the stairs so I could get my stuff and leave.

I grabbed my bag making sure I didn't forget anything, "Ayo Sven or whatever the hell your name is. Class is over, time to leave," I said tapping my hand on his desk

"Mmmbut I haven't finished my notes yet,"

I snorted, "Who takes notes on a movie,"

I walked out of the classroom and headed to the little garden I always go to, to finish the sketch I had started in class.

I headed back to the dorm building around 10 and had a small chat with Kurapika before heading up to the dorm room. Gon wasn't there because his classes started at 9:45 and continued until 1 or 2 pm. I yawned and sat down on the couch throwing my bag onto the kitchen table. Luckily I didn't bring my camera today, if I did it would be smashed to bits.

"I'm kinda hungry," I mumbled yawning in between words, "I'll get food later,"

Those were the last words I mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

Small a/n: I yawned so much while writing that last paragraph. Aaaaaand I just yawned again while writing this sentence


I walked into the dorm room and saw Killua's body thrown messily on the couch.

Is he dead!? I rushed over to where he was laying and put my two fingers up against his neck to check his pulse.

"G-gon, what are you doing," Killua asked sitting up

"I thought you were dead dipshit!" I yelled, "Don't do that to me!"

"Hey, hey listen, it's not my fault I'm pale as a ghost,"

"So the party is in a couple of hours," I said sitting down next to him, "And I don't really have anything to wear,"

"Gon, where are you going with this," He asked turning to face me

"Can I maybe possibly borrow an outfit," I asked

He sighed so I gave him puppy dog eyes. A bright red blush appeared on his face and was made more vibrant up against his pale skin.

He groaned then grabbed my arm dragging me into his room. Just like the last time he sat me down on the bean bag and flung open his closet door throwing different items of clothing my way.

"Now," He said, "Try it on, see how you like it,"

I nodded then ran into my room to put the outfit on. It consisted of a loose-fitting white t-shirt, a light green flannel, a long black belt, and ripped blue-jeans.

I heard a knocking sound on my door, "Ayo, Gon, you done yet,"

"Mhm," I hummed, "One second,"

I opened up the door and Killua grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around grabbing my shoulders to stop me when I was facing him again.

A/N: That was one long chapter holy shit (1124 words in total). Also, not me neglecting my other books bc I have so many ideas for this one :P

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