Chapter 11 || Homework

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Neon finished her presentation and Ms. Bisky stood from the front row, "Y'all are dismissed, I'll email you your grades in the next day or so," She said waving her hand at us, "Now shoo,"

"Mmbut Ms. Kruger class ends at 3:00, it's only 2:45," Steven said

"Ok, one, I told you not to call me Ms. Kruger, two, so what it's only 15 minutes," She said, "Now go away,"

I was already halfway out of the room and someone grabbed my arm, "Hey Killua," I turned around to see Neon with her hand on my arm, "You finished all of your freshmen college classes in high school right,"

I nodded

"Cause I need help with some of my homework from my other classes, can you help me," She asked

"Uh, yeah sure," I said

Ponzu and Pokkle ran up to us, "Hey us two please,"

"Umm, ok,"

We all walked back to my dorm engaging in many different conversations in the meantime. When we got to the dorm building I waved to Kurapika, I swear it's like he doesn't have any classes, and continued up the stairs, "Jeez Killua what floor do you live on," Ponzu complained

"The top one,"

The rest of the climb up the stairs was spent in silence. I pulled out my keys and opened the door, "Make sure to take off your shoes please," I said slipping mine off

They nodded and I lead the group to my room, Gon peaked his head out of his door before swinging it open, "Kiiiilllluuuuaaaaaaaaaa, I didn't know you'd be home so soon," He exclaimed jumping onto my back making a slight blush appear on my face

"Yeah, sorry I should've told you, Bisky let us out early today," I said rubbing the back of my neck, "She was probably hungover,"

My hyper roommate finally noticed my guests, "Oh, Hi guys how are you," He asked still clinging to me

Neon was the first to answer, "I'm doing great personally, we just came over so Killua could help us with homework," She said

"Oh that's cool, d'you mind if I hang out with you guys," Gon asked

"Not at all," Pokkle said setting his bag down in the corner of my room

Gon giggled dropping himself off my back to go get his homework, and I walked into my room followed my Neon and Ponzu, "Ok, so what subjects are you guys having the most trouble with,"

There was a chorus of names but the two I hear most were math and history.

"I can help anyone with science if they need it," Gon volunteered

"Oh sweet thanks," Pokkle said

We all helped each other with the different subjects we were good at. I kinda spaced out for a little bit every few minutes someone would ask me a question, I would answer then go back to spacing out.

Gon slid next to me pressing our shoulders together making me blush slightly, "Hey Killua, I have a question on this prompt for English,"

"Yeah, what's the prompt?" I asked resting my head on his

"We have to write a couple of paragraphs about something we love, but I don't know what to write about," He said showing me a piece of paper with lines on it

"Well, you could write it about a person, a place, or a thing you really love," I explained, "For example; I love photography,"

"Mkay thank you," He wrapped his arms around me in a hug then continued on with his work.

Neon slid over to me, "You know it's pretty obvious you have a crush on him," She whispered

"W-what!? No what are you talking about," I said flustered

"Aww look at you getting all flustered, come on we're gonna have this convo in the kitchen," Neon said pulling me up by the arm

"Where're you guys going?" Ponzu asked

"We're just getting some water, you guys want any?" 

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