Chapter 21 || Auction

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(A/N: Sorry besties, I went on hiatus for a bit :p)


We walked down the stairs in silence like usual except for the fact that Illumi was staring a hole in the back of my head. Our little group made it to the lobby, Killua and I waved at Kurapika and we continued.

When we got to the car and Ponzu and Pokkle were sitting next to it playing chopsticks, "I call shotgun!" Neon yelled

"Dammit!" I said laughing a little, "Oh, I forgot, there are only 3 seats in the back and 2 in the front,"

"I'll sit in the trunk," Pokkle volunteered enthusiastically

"Ooh! Me too!" Ponzu said

"Ok then," Killua said with a semi-concerned look on his face, "Let's get going I guess,"

The 2 got into the trunk and the rest of us climbed into my car. Neon picked up the aux cord and started playing a random playlist.

"So where are we going," Killua asked pulling out onto the street

"We could walk around downtown," Ponzu suggested

Most of us agreed because the college was more up-town YorkNew than anything. Neon started talking at Killua and Illumi kept staring at me, which was extremely terrifying.

"You Illumi right?" Pokkle asked leaning over the seat

"Yes, that is me," He said

"I'm Pokkle, this is Ponzu, and we have a few classes with Killua," He said and stuck out his hand

"It's nice to meet you," Illumi said and shook his hand

Killua POV

I could hear Pokkle talking in the back of the car while Neon blabbed on, "Hey just so you know, my brother doesn't know Gon and I are dating, so please for the love of god do *not* tell him," I whisper yelled at Neon, turning up the music slightly

She giggled and made a gesture like she was zipping her lips shut, "I, Neon Nostrade promise not to say anything," She joked holding up her right hand

"Ha, ha, very funny," I said sarcastically, "But I am serious, please, try not to let it slip,"

"I pinky promise," She held up her pinky finger and I sighed, "Listen, dude, if you're not gonna seal the pinky swear I might as well just tell him now,"

"Oh please don't," I said frantically hooking my finger around hers

"And seal it with a kiss!" Neon said pressing our thumbs together and laughed

"Damn, you are really weird," I said putting my hand back on the steering wheel

I felt a hand on my shoulder and immediately knew who it was, "Do you need something Gon?" I asked stopping at a red light.

"Could we go to that one auction/market thing, I've wanted to go but I haven't had the time," He said leaning forward

I heard Ponzu and Pokkle agree from the back, "Sure, why not," I said

"Fuck yeah!" Pokkle yelled, "This is gonna be sick!"

I took a right and drove in the direction of the market.

---doo do doo timeskip---

Everyone filed out of the car and we walked towards the general area of the auction. Gon ran up to me and linked our elbows laughing as he pointed out things we had never seen before.

"That is a weird-ass vase, I wonder how much money they'll make off that," He said

"Yeah, people buy weird shit," I said, way more sarcastically than I meant to

We hadn't even been there for 5 minutes when I notice Ponzu and Pokkle were gone, "Goddamit, where did the idiot twins go," I mumbled to myself

"I dunno man, but there's this woman, and she carrying a fucking vacuum around," Neon said laughing as she walked alongside me, "Has anyone ever told you how fast you walk?"

"Oh, sorry, am I walking too fast for you guys?" I asked slowing down a bit

"Don't worry about it!" Gon said excitedly

I turned around to face Illumi using Gon as my guide as I walked backward, "Uh, so, is there any place, in particular, you want to check out?" I asked slightly stumbling over a pebble

"No," He said blank-faced as always

"Ooookay then," I said and I turned back around

I sighed, "I cannot be nice to my brother anymore, I can't stand his face,"

"It literally hasn't even been 24 hours," Gon said

"But it feels like it's been days,"

Neon yawned, "You gotta push through dude, he'll be gone by the end of the day and you can finally, y'know," She touched her fingers together and started making them talk

"I looooovvveeeee you Goooooooonnnnnnnn," She said mimicking my voice moving her hand with it

"I wuv you too Kiwwuuuwwwaaaaaaa," She said mimicking gon with the other had

"Now kith," She was basically on the floor laughing as she pressed her two hands together.

(small a/n: I can't fucking breath rn this is the funniest shit I've seen all day)

Mine and Gon's face went red and I lightly slapped her hands down, "Neon!" Gon whisper yelled his face still as red as a tomato

"What? Am I wrong?" She joked

"What are you three talking about?" Illumi asked matching our speed

"Nothing that concerns you," I said, my face still slightly pink

"Ooooh, scary brother man, I have a few questions for you do you mind me asking," She said, and before he could respond Neon started asking a ton of questions.

"I think this is our cue to leave," Gon said a took off running through the crowd

"Damn, he's a fast runner, what the hell,"

(A/N: The longer this story goes on the less plot it has so imma probably end it soon, so gimmie some suggestions/requests)

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