Chapter 8 || Hands

707 19 26

Killua POV

Gon took a seat under the tree and I removed the lens cap off of my camera, I took a quick look through the lens and adjusted it a little bit.

I glanced at Gon and he had a dazed look in his eyes, I snapped to get his attention and he whipped his head over to where I was standing, "What's up," He asked

"Ok, so I have an idea, I need you to like sit criss-cross but with your right knee up," I said, "and now, prop yourself on your left arm and rest your right arm on your knee,"

"Whatever you say, boss," He joked

Once he was in the pose, I squatted down to get a good angle for the project. Before we left I ended up taking about 47 pictures to go through, future me is going to be very mad.

"Hey, can we stay here for a little bit longer?" Gon asked leaning up against the tree

"Hmm? Oh of course," I said, "I did drag you out here after all," I walked over to the tree and lay down next to him looking up at the clouds.

I must have accidentally fallen asleep because I awoke to Gon gently shaking my arm, I opened my eyes and saw him crouched down next to me, "I am so, so sorry," I said sitting up

He giggled, "Don't worry about it, you were just tired is all, I understand," he is just too sweet

"Well, do you wanna head back," he asked helping me up

I nodded my head, yes and we started walking. It wasn't until we were almost at the dorm that I realized we had started holding hands. I blushed letting go of his hand to cover my face.


After what felt like hours of awkward silence we finally reached the dorm. I bolted into my room, shut the door, and, quite literally, launched myself up onto my bed.

"Aahhhhh, what do I do," I groaned

I sighed and grabbed my computer so I could upload the photos I had taken, "Fucking hell, why is he so hot," I asked myself miraculously hoping someone would answer. I kept talking to myself and then I heard the creaking of floor panels in the hallway separating mine and Gon's room I didn't think anything of it until I heard, what sounded like, a middle-aged man's laughed.

Without thinking I jumped off of my bed, opened the door, and tackled the person the laughter was coming from.

I then looked down to see it was only Leorio, "Oh my god I am so sorry," I apologized, "It's just I thought you were a weird creepo that-"

"No worries, this isn't the first time that's happened," He interrupted chuckling, "I was just trying to scare Gon,"

"How did you even get in," I asked obviously suspicious

"Kurapika gave me a key, but he said I had to give it back when I was done," Leorio defended

"Oh ok, well I think Gon is in his room, I'm not sure," I said pointing towards his door

He laughed and flung open the door and growled like a two-year-old in an attempt to scare my roommate. I caught a glimpse of Gon and he looked up and made eye contact with me for a split second before I turned my head blushing like crazy.

I think I might have heard him call my name but I just ignored it and headed back into my room.

I ended up falling back asleep only for me to wake back up at 2:00 o'clock in the morning. I groaned and dragged myself out of bed to get a cup of coffee knowing full well I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. When I exited my room I saw that there was a light coming out from under Gons door, I didn't think anything of it because hell I fall asleep with my light on all the time.

Walking into the kitchen I noticed the light was on in there as well. I cautiously approached the area being silent as I possibly could only to see Gon asleep with his head on the counter, "Jeez, this kid can fall asleep anywhere," I mumbled to myself

I picked him up bridal style and carried him back to his room carefully setting him on the bed, I got up to leave but something was grabbing my waist. I turned around and low and behold, Gon had his arms tightly wrapped around me. I tried to pry them off but it was no use so, I decided to lay there next to him and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep, again.

(Quick a/n: THANK YOU SM FOR 300 READS OML :0 you don't understand how happy I am)

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