Chapter 22 || Fluffy

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I finally caught up to him, "Jeez, took you long enough," Gon joked

"Well sorry, it took me a while to find you," I said, "There are tons of fucking people here,"

"Yeah, that's true," He laughed


Sooner or later the group found its way back together again, "You guys ready to go yet," Pokkle yawned, to be fair it was around 6 pm we had been out all day.

I nodded, "Yeah, let's start walking back to the car," I said tossing up the keys and catching them again.

We walked through the now separating crowds and once the car was in sight Gon yelled shotgun grabbing the attention of a few people walking by.

"Damn," Neon groaned, to which he playfully stuck out his tongue

I started up the car and turned up the radio as I drove. The drive was mostly quiet because, somehow, Ponzu and Pokkle fell asleep on the 15-minute drive back to campus.

"Alright, idiots, it's time to get up," I said opening the trunk to let them out

"Five more minutes," Ponzu whined

"Nope, come one, up, now,"

They both groaned and slid out of the car. What a bunch of children.

Illumi had split from the group as we walked back to the dorms, something about seeing his 'friend'. At least he isn't spending the night in my room again. I yawned while we walked up the stairs, "Are you tired already? It's only like 5," Gon asked, Neon splitting at her floor

"Yeah I'm tired, tired of dealing with people all day, my social battery is drained," I complained yawning again

He laughed and we finally reached the dorm. I slid off my shoes then collapsed on the couch and Gon followed suit laying down on top of me. He began sprinkling kisses all across my face, "Fucking tease," I said


"You're kissing everywhere on my face except my lips, therefore making you a tease," I explained with a laugh

He giggled and pressed a big kiss on my lips, "Mwah! There! I love you," Gon said

"I love you too," I responded

"So, you gonna make dinner now," He joked as I sat up

"Shut up and cuddle me asshole, not everything's about food," I laughed, "Hungry mother fucker,"


We sat in silence for a few minutes after Gon insisted he be the 'big spoon' as we sat together on the couch.

"Hey, babe?" Gon asked, I cringed at the pet name. I made a small noise signaling for him to continue.

"Why don't you want your brother to know that we're dating," That sure was straightforward

"I, uh, well, mmm," I sighed, "You see, my family isn't made up of the most accepting people,"

"Didn't you say your brother had a husband?"

"Well, that's just for professional purposes. He opposes the idea completely, but whatever gets the company more business am I right?" I said making the last bit hella sarcastic

I could just sense him pouting a little, "I think you should just tell them!" He said with enthusiasm

I chuckled nervously, "Yeah, you see, I would, but it's not that simple," I said, "You remember how I told you about my younger sister Alluka?"

"Yeah, why?"

"She's trans, male to female, and when she came out, she was shunned, and now whenever she comes back to the main house for holidays they act like they don't know her," I explained, "It's honestly really sad, but the worst part is, after all, that my dad sat me and my brothers down and said, 'If any of you boys' tells me that you are apart of the lqbtuv+ or whatever, you will face the same fate,"

I mimicked his voice repeating him, word for word. I looked back at Gon and his jaw was practically at the floor, "HE'S A FUCKING DOUCHEBAG WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled

"Shhhhh, shhhhhh," I said covering his mouth with my hand, "You're gonna catch the attention of our neighbors. Loud ass bitch,"

"Sorry," he said, his voice muffled by my hand

I sighed and he licked the palm of my hand, "Dude gross!!" I said wiping my hand on the front of his shirt. I rested back into Gons chest and he took my hair out of the bun I had put it in.

"Your hair is really soft and fluffy, it's very calming for some odd reason," He said running his fingers through the white curly white mess that was my hair.

"Thank you gon," I responded, "Y'know, I've been meaning to ask you, how does your hair stay up like that?"

"I actually don't know," He giggled, "You're gonna have to ask my aunt Mito about that,"

"Speaking of which, when will I meet this infamous 'aunt Mito?" I asked

I could practically sense the excitement radiating off him, "You could come to Whale Island for Thanksgiving!" Gon half-yelled, "Aunt Mito always hosts a big dinner for everyone on the island! I bet she'd be happy to meet you!"

"Oh that's right, Thanksgiving break is coming up soon isn't it?" I muttered

"Uh-huh! It starts on Monday since today's a Saturday I bet I could get us a couple of boat tickets. We could head out tomorrow morning!"

I laughed at his enthusiasm, "You are really excited about this aren't you?" I asked

"Of course I am! I get to introduce you, my beautiful boyfriend, to my island family!"

I blushed at his comment and he took out his phone to get some boat tickets. I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up it was pitch black outside and Gon was snoring away behind me, his hand still resting on my head.

I sighed, "Here we go again," I mumbled to myself as I stood, trying not to wake up Gon.

I carefully picked him up and walked to his room. I swear this happens like every fucking night. I set him down and laid next to him, wrapping my arm around his torso.

"Good night Gon,"

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