Excuses are Useless

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“Ok, what?” Josh asked. I think he could tell something was wrong. His smile fell and he leaned against the table. All his happiness was drained out of him.

“Um, well...” I trailed off. How was I supposed to start this? I was never good at these types of things.

“What’s wrong, Cass?” he questioned looking into my brown eyes. Oh, God. He was just making this harder.

“Well, what’s wrong is that, I...um...was going to, uh, break up with you last night,” I stammered. I looked down. I felt ashamed. Why did he have to be such a good guy?

“What?” he yelled loudly causing everyone to stare at us. He looked so shocked and pained, I wanted to burst into tears myself.

“I love you, I do, Josh. I just hate being away from you so much,” I lied. I thought it would soften the blow if he didn’t think I was choosing someone else over him, bit I was dead wrong.

“Is there someone else?” he asked angrily. This was NOT going well. He clenched his fist and looked at me.

“Well...uh,” I trailed off again. He looked ready to beat up whoever this new guy was and I was not about to let that happen.

“Ok, I’ll take that as a yes,” he said cutting me off. He looked at me in disgust. I never thought I would have been breaking up with Josh. We worked so hard for this relationship to work and now I was tearing it apart. It’s for Danny, I told myself, but it didn’t help much. I had never seen Josh look so hurt.

“I didn’t-”

“Who is he?” he asked cutting me off again. He was such an asshole. Just let me finish my sentence.

“I didn’t say there was someone else!” I shouted a bit too loudly. He was making me angry and him of all people should know I get crazy when I get angry. “But for you information, there is someone else! And we’re happy together and he loves me more than you ever did!” I screamed. I folded my arms over my chest angrily and glared at him.

“Are you kidding me? I flew here to spent time with you! I wait for you to come home every time because I love you!” he yelled back. He barely yelled, so this was surprising to me.

“Like you never thought about anyone else while I was gone!” I screamed. I couldn’t believe we were fighting like this. I just wanted this to be over.

“Yeah, but I never did anything with them!” he shouted. I wanted to pushed him, push him out of my life. 

“Whatever Josh. Fuck you!” I yelled and started to walk off. I was steaming angry and could barley think straight.

“Just tell me who he is!” Josh shouted after me. He seemed so desperate to know. He also seemed so desperate to hurt whoever it was.

“You don’t deserve to know,” I told him in my normal tone. After seeing the hurt in his eyes, it was hard to yell at him. I still loved him and you didn’t yell at someone you loved.

I walked over to the guys. James gave an approving nod and Sam smiled. “Well, now that that’s done and I can stop feeling bad for the guy, let’s play a kick ass show!” Cam announced yelling the last part. I laughed. I could always count on the guys to make me feel better.

The doors were opened about 15 minutes later and I ran to the merch table. Josh was gone, which made me happy. I still felt bad about everything, though.

After the show, I decided to wait for Danny to finish with the fans. They took pictures and signed posters and other things that I’ll spare you the description of. I hadn’t seen him touch a drop of alcohol all night and I was proud of him. I was just hoping this would keep up and that he would stay off drugs, too, unlike last time. Last time he was sober he had turned to drugs and it had been disastrous.

A Love to Give (Danny Worsnop Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now