I Fight To Find Myself

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“Cassidy,” I heard a small voice yell as I stepped into the airport in England. The plane ride had been long and terrible, but I was home.

“Maria!” I said scooping her up in my arms. I took in her curly brown hair and her brown eyes. She was wearing a pink bow in her hair and a shirt to match. I had missed this little girl all too much.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Maria told me. She buried her head into my shoulder. I smiled. As much as I hated my parents, I loved this little girl way more. 

“Hello, Cassidy,” my mother greeted finally as I set Maria down on the floor. I gulped. My moment with Maria was totally ruined.

“Hi,” I responded nervously. By the look on her face, I could tell she wasn’t exactly thrilled to see me.

“Let’s go get your bag,” Mom suggested and started to walk towards the luggage carousel.

We waited for the carousel to be turned on and then for my bag to appear. I soon saw it and swung it off the conveyer belt. The picture of Danny pulling my bag out of the tour bus crossed my mind and I smiled at the memory. I started to follow my mom to the car and climbed in.

“How were the states?” Mom asked finally. Finally she was being nice; finally she was taking an interest.

“It was great, just like always,” I replied. I didn’t know what else to say. What else was there to tell her? Was I suppose to tell her I watched my friends get shit faced drunk, broke up with my boyfriend, and fucked my best friend? Yeah, no.

“That’s great. Josh told me he was going to go visit you, how did - what the heck?” Mom started, but cut herself off when a car pulled in front of her quite violently. 

“How’s school, Maria?” I questioned before Mom could finish her sentence. I’d rather tell Mom and Dad all at once rather than have to face double the yelling.

“It’s great. We’re learning how to round in math and we’re reading chapter books and we had pajama day last week. It was great,” Maria rambled. I turned around in my seat to look back at her as she talked.

“That’s awesome, Ria,” I told her. Ria was my special nickname for her. She loved it. I don’t know if it was simply because I gave it to her or because she actually liked being called it. She smiled as we pulled into our driveway.

I took in the house. I hadn’t seen it in about a year. It was blue with white shutters and a wrap around porch. I saw my mom had planted a rose garden in the front. I went around to the trunk and lugged out my bag. I dragged it into the house and was immediately attacked by Ariana.

“My favorite sister!” Ariana exclaimed. She wrapped her arms around me.

“I’m your only sister, Ari,” I told her hugging her back. It felt good to see her again. She was my only sister after all.

“Guess what,” Ariana responded letting me go as Maria and Mom came in.

“What?” I asked. I hadn’t seen her in so long that I couldn’t even come up with something to guess that would make fun of her.

“I’ve got a boyfriend,” she replied happily. I tried not to look surprised, but I was. She hadn’t had a boyfriend since Maria’s dad. “And I want you to meet him so I invited him for dinner,” she added.

“Awesome! I’m so happy for you,” I told her hugging her again. I couldn’t believe she had found someone again.

“He’s really nice,” Maria exclaimed. She seemed really happy, too, and that made me even happier.

A Love to Give (Danny Worsnop Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now