You Lied Right To My Face

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About 15 minutes later, we arrived at In & Out burger. Yes, he was taking his vegetarian girlfriend to a burger place. He was so thoughtful. 

"Danny, you know you don't eat burgers," I whined as he climbed out of the car. I was not getting out of that car if I was just going to watch him eat animal remains. 

"They have some vegetarian burger now. Come on. If you aren't satisfied with the burgers, I will buy you all the fries and milkshakes you want," he told me. He walked around the car and opened my door. He took my hand and pulled me out of my seat. 

"They have milkshakes?" I asked suddenly much more interested. Milkshakes were one of my many weaknesses. 

"Yep," he replied slowly. I followed him like a zombie with only milkshakes on my mind. 

It turned out they did have vegetarian burgers, but more importantly, milkshakes. I got a vegetarian cheeseburger, a strawberry milkshake, and fries. I had to admit that it was really good and just being with him felt really nice. I guess you could say this was our first date really. He had me laughing the whole time just like before when we were friends. It felt just like it used to but this time I had butterflies in my stomach and he couldn't stop touching me. He was actually quite the gentleman when he wanted to be. 

"So, was it really that bad?" he questioned as I took the last sip I'd my milkshake and felt the last bit of the heavenly liquid touch my tongue. I know I'm over exaggerating, but this milkshake was damn good. 

"No, but now you gotta take here more often so I can get some of these," I answered biting my straw and gesturing to the cup. 

He laughed. "Ok, deal, but only because that means I can get some of these burgers," he told me with a smile. I laughed, too. 

We drove back home after we were done eating and I decided to start unpacking. Danny showed me where I could hang my clothes and I got started. There were a few drawers on the side of the closet and I decided to our my makeup and some other thing in one of them. I opened all of them in my search to find an empty one. I opened the last one with a such as I realized they all had stuff in them. Then something shiny caught my eye. It was an earring. I picked it up and inspected it. Why the hell did Danny have an earring? Panic entered my chest. Was he cheating on me? Was this all a lie? I shouldn’t just assume. Nothing good came out of assuming.

“Danny,” I called grabbing the earring and walking out of the closet and into the bedroom.

“Yeah,” Danny called back. He turned his attention from the TV to me.

“What’s this?” I questioned holding up the earring. He looked at me like I had lost my mind.

“Looks like an earring to me,” he answered standing up and walking over to me.

“Who’s is it?” I asked clearly annoyed. He sounded like he was keeping something from me.

“It’s not yours?” he questioned dumbly. Yep, he was hiding something from me. From the tone in his voice, I could tell.

“Nope. Who the hell does this belong to, Danny?” I asked with some anger in my voice. If he had cheated on me, I was going to cut his dick off and I was serious. No joking. He was not going to cheat on me and get away with it.

“I don’t know,” he stammered inspecting it in my hand. I couldn’t believe he was lying to my face. We had always told each other the truth. What had happened to us?

“Well, you live here. Unless someone broke into your house and left you an earring, you should know who’s it is,” I told him my voice rising. I couldn’t take it. I dropped the earring at his feet and walked out of the room. I grabbed my shoes and Danny’s keys so I could get back in and went outside.

I strolled down the sidewalk and felt tears come to my eyes. I would NOT cry in public. I blinked quickly to keep the tears back. Oddly, I realized, he hadn’t followed me. Maybe after all these years, he finally realized that I needed to cool down when I was mad or maybe he just didn’t care if I left. Maybe he realized he had screwed up our relationship beyond belief and chasing after me wouldn’t change that. I just couldn’t believe he had thrown everything away after all these years. How could he do that? I thought he loved me.

After about an hour, I felt like I would actually be able to have a normal conversation so I turned around and started to head back to Danny’s. When I got there, I unlocked the door with a sigh.

“I didn’t cheat on you. I promise I would never do that, Cass,” Danny told me as he raced down the stairs. Just because he said it didn’t make it true.

“Then what’s with the earring?” I questioned placing my hand on my hip. I shut the door and looked up at him.

“To be honest, I don’t know,” he admitted. He looked at his shoes as if he were embarrassed to say it.

“You sure you didn’t get drunk and sleep with someone?” I asked with anger coming into my voice. If he had cheated on me, I’d rather him just tell me and be honest instead of lying about it.

“No! I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol since I told you I was going to stop drinking again. I made you a promise and I intend to keep it,” he replied defensively. Not drinking was a hard promise to keep for him, but he sounded so genuine.

“Ok, I believe you. I do, but I’m still confused, Danny. If you didn’t cheat on me, how’d you get an earring?” I questioned. I wanted an answered. If he didn’t have an answer the possibilities were endless and I wanted to know the truth.

“I have no idea...” he trailed off and looked up like the answer was on the ceiling. He thought for a moment. “Maybe it’s Myca’s!” he exclaimed suddenly. Myca was Danny’s ex-girlfriend. They had went out for about 2 years and they had lived together for awhile. She finally got fed up with all his cheating and left him. 

“You mean you think she left it here when she moved out?” I asked. He grabbed his phone and started typing.

“I’ll text her,” he told me. I watched as his finger flew across the keyboard. A few minutes later he flew up the stairs and came back down with the earring in his hand. “Hold it up for me. She wants to know what it looks like,” he commanded. I held it up and he snapped the picture. We waited for her to text back and suddenly he said. “Yep, it’s hers.”

I blew out a sigh of relief. “Thank the fucking Lord,” I murmured under my breath. I was more joyful than could ever imagine. 

“I told you I would NEVER cheat on you, Cass. I love you and I would be so dumb to throw that all away,” he told me. He shoved his phone into his pocket and wrapped his arms around my waist. He put his lips on mine. We kissed for a few moments.

“Promise me that you’ll never cheat on me,” I said pulling away. I looked into his eyes and a smile appeared on his face.

“I promise I will never cheat on you, Cassidy,” he told me. He went in for another kiss. He pulled me closer.

At that moment, I knew that I couldn’t get better than this. I had an amazing boyfriend that loved me more than anything. I couldn’t think of anything else to ask for. He was kind of like my family now and I would never find a better, more loving family. What else would I ever need?

A Love to Give (Danny Worsnop Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now