Give Me All You Got

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A few minutes later, we heard footsteps coming onto the bus. He pulled himself off of me and I sat up. My body was wiling him to come back, but it was not the time. he kissed me once more before we were interrupted by Ben.

“Why’d you leave?” Ben asked sitting down next to Danny. Danny put his arm around my shoulder.

“Bitchy groupie made me mad. I didn’t want to end up taking it out on another fan,” he told Ben with a shrug. A few months ago, that groupie would have made him the happiest person on Earth. Now, he had to leave just to keep himself from blowing up. I made me happy to see that he had truly changed. He was a better person now, or at least he was trying to be.

“Oh, well. That sucks. I hate when they’re mean like that,” Ben commented. He fiddled with the buttons on his jacket.

“Yeah. They need to realize that sometimes we don’t want to fuck them,” Danny added warning a smile from me. I knew that “sometimes” was the key word.

“Well, it’s not that we don’t want to fuck them. It’s just we’d rather have our girlfriends,” Ben said and Danny nodded his agreement. I had to hand it to Ben, he might have cheated on his fiancé, Sam, before but ever since she forgave him and they got engaged, he had been on his best behavior when it came to the groupies.

“True,” Danny murmured. To be honest, I didn’t care if he wanted to fuck them, I was just glad he loved me enough not to.

We were quiet for a few moments. “Well, I need a drink. This groupie drama makes me stressed,” Ben announced standing up. Danny chuckled at his compulsive drunkenness. Ben still drank a lot even though Danny was trying to stop. Ben needed alcohol much more. He couldn’t even write music sober.

“Don’t get too drunk,” I called after him as he left to join James, Sam, and Cam. I heard him laugh as if to say “yeah, right.”

All I wanted to do was stay in Danny’s arm forever. “You excited for the last day of tour?” Danny questioned with a smile. I has completely forgotten that tomorrow was the last day of tour. We were off for 2 months after this tour so they could finish the new album. I never really got used to being home. It was so weird to see everyone that wasn’t on tour again. It would be even weirder now that I wasn’t going out with Josh. Josh was a family friend and I didn’t think my parents were going to be happy to hear that I had dumped him for Danny.

“I guess. I really just don’t wanna go home,” I answered. He knew how much I hated to be home. Ever since I had started touring with them, my parents had looked down on me. My parents had always wanted me to go college and get a good job, but things didn’t work out that way. I mean, I loved my job, but it wasn’t what my parents wanted for me. Danny had always understood my problems with my parents. He hadn’t started speaking to his parents until about a year ago. 

“You could come home with me if you want,” Danny suggested. It would be my dream come true of I didn’t have to live with me parents for 2 months, but I did already have a plane ticket back to England.

“I want to, but I have my plane ticket and I think Maria wants to see me,” I told him. Maria was my niece She was 6 and I spoiled the shit out of her. My sister, Ariana, and Maria lived with my parents. As bas as it sounds, Ariana had been a teen mom. She was a year older than me and had Maria when she was 17. Maria’s dad wasn’t in the picture anymore and Ariana couldn’t afford a baby on her own. In my parents’ eyes, both of us were duds. I chose not to go to college and Ariana had tried, but it was just too hard with Maria.

“Oh, true,” he murmured. “If you want, you could spend sometime home and fly to California when you need to get away.” He sounded like he really did wish I could come home with him. I really did want to go home with him. His suggestion sounded reasonable. I could still see Maria and not put my plane ticket to waste, but I could leave after a while.

“That sounds nice,” I told him kissing his cheek. “It sounds way better than spending 2 months with my parents, but anything sounds better than that. I don’t get why they can’t just be happy with the way I am. It’s my life, not theirs,” I complained. I always ended up complaining when I started talking about my parents. It was like a natural reaction.

“They want you to be successful. I think they just care about you,” Danny told me. In a way, he was right, but it had been years since I started touring. They should just be used to it.

“I know, but I’m happy, isn’t that enough” I replied with a sigh. No one got me at home, besides Maria, but she was 6.

“I guess not, but fuck them. If you’re happy, who cares about them,” he responded, “and you know they love.” he looked into my eyes. He had really pretty yes. I had never noticed how beautiful they were, but then again, who stares into their best friend’s eyes? I had never realized how caring he was either. I know it sounds weird; Danny Worsnop being caring, but he was. Maybe not to everyone, but to me, he was.

“Doesn’t seem like they love me,” I muttered. It really didn’t. The way they treated me was like a piece of rubbish.

“Well, even if they don’t, I love you,” he whispered kissing me on the lips. I returned his kiss forcefully.

“Love you, too,” I whispered in between kisses. How could I not love him? He loved me so much more than anyone ever did, including Josh.

We soon picked up where we were before Ben interrupted us. He was on top of me, our tongues were done each other throats, and nothing had ever felt better. I felt his hands go up my shirt and to my bra. He started pulling my shirt over my head and I did the same to him. Thank God the door to the back lounge was closed. He continued to unhook my bra and pull off my jeans. I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them as well as his boxers. He took off my underwear and soon we were trying to silence each others moans (even though I’m sure everyone on the bus was too drunk to notice) and well, you get the picture. 

After a while, he pulled himself off of me and we got dressed. “I love you so much, Cass,” he whispered in my ear. He kissed my cheek and I smiled.

“I love you, too,” I responded. Never in a million years did I think I would have had sex with Danny, but I guess things can change.

A Love to Give (Danny Worsnop Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now