I Must Be Dreaming

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I decided to surprise Danny. I booked my plane ticket to LA and packed my bags. I could NOT stay in that house for another day. I left the next week. Ariana drove me. I hadn’t talked to Mom since that dinner the first day I was home and I kind of liked it like that.

“Bye, Cassidy. I’ll miss you,” Maria told me as I bent to give her a hug. She put her little arms around me and kissed my cheeks.

“I’ll miss you, too,” I replied kissing her cheek, too. I was truly going to miss my niece. She was the only thing I like about being home.

An hour later, I boarded the plane. This was too much for 1 week. 2 plane rides over 10 hours long had put me over the edge. After the horrible hours on the plane, I got off and got my luggage. I could feel the nice weather from inside and I couldn’t wait to get outside. I waited for a taxi and got in. I told the driver Danny’s address and he dropped me off.

I knocked on the door hoping he would be home. I felt a smile appear on my face. I couldn’t wait to see him again. After a dew moments, he opened the door.

“Cassidy! What are you doing here?” he questioned hugging my tightly. He kissed my cheek and then my lips.

“I couldn’t take it at home anymore so I decided to surprise you!” I answered hugging him back. I was so damn happy to see him.

"I'm so glad you're here!" he exclaimed and moved aside to let me in. "Come on. Let's go put your bag upstairs," he suggested grabbing my bag and pulling it up the stairs. I followed him taking in his beautiful home. I hadn't actually ever been to his house before. 

He dragged the bag into a bedroom, which I was guessing was his. "This your room?" I questioned looking around. The walls were tan and the curtains were white. You could tell he wasn't there much considering how clean everything was not to mention how unpersonalized. It looked like one of those houses you would see on House Hunters or something. 

"Yep. I know it's kinda blah, but I'm barely ever here so I haven't really had time to do anything with it," he explained. He pulled the suitcase into the walk-in closet.  For some reason, I felt like this was home; like I belonged here. 

"I like it," I told him with a shrug. He let go of my bag hugging me again. 

"I'm so happy you're here," Danny whispered in my ear. His touch made my whole body feel like it was glowing.  There was no better feeling. 

"Me, too," I whispered back. I embraced the hug hoping it wouldn't end. I wishes he would never let me go. 

"You must be hungry after that plane ride," Danny said letting me go. My body felt empty and lonely without him. 

"I'm starved," I agreed as he walked out of the room. I followed him down the stairs. 

"There's this restaurant here you have to try," he told me dramatically. He grabbed his keys and went to the car. 

Oh, this should be good. 

A Love to Give (Danny Worsnop Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now