Find a Light in the Darkness

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“Cass, can you wake up Danny? We got an interview in a half hour,” Ben told me. He pushed his wild, brown hair out of his eyes and pulled on a black shirt.

“Sure,” I replied and walked down the hallway where the bunks were. 

I ripped open the curtain and leaned towards his ear. “I love you, too,” I whispered. I saw a smile appear on his face and his eyes opened.

“Told you I could wait,” he whispered back. He put his lips on mine.

“You have to get up,” I told him pulling away. I didn’t really want to stop kissing him, but I had been sent to wake him up not make out with him.

“Do I have to?” he questioned lazily. He shifted in his bed. I noticed that he was shirtless, which was normal since he always slept without a shirt. This usually didn’t faze me, but for some reason, I felt attracted to it.

“Yeah, you do. Ben and you are doing are doing an interview,” I told him. He moaned, but started to get up. I moved out of his way as he climbed down.

He grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. He came out a few minutes later in an Of Mice & Men tank top and black skinny jeans. I had never been a huge fan of Of Mice & Men, but they were really nice guys.

I sat down on one of the couches on  the front. Danny plopped down next to me and put his arm around me.

“What’s with you two?” Ben asked glancing at us and raising his eyebrows. His spider bite lip rings glinted in the sun streaming in from the windows and almost blinded me.

Danny looked at me and I looked at him. Well, this was awkward. I was kind of surprised Ben didn’t know. Danny and Ben were so close I swear people thought they were gay.

“Well, I finally told her,” Danny replied. So, Ben did know. Was I the only person who had been in the dark on this one? 

“Oh, you finally grew a pair and told her. Well, it’s that adorable,” Ben said sarcastically, making James chuckle. Danny just smiled at me.

My phone buzzed signaling I had a new text. I took out my phone and saw it was from Josh. I sighed. I guess I needed to break up with him, but I couldn’t just text him. That would be rude. I put away my phone and sighed again. I truly didn’t want to have to break up with Josh. We had only broken up once in our year and half long relationship after a fight and he had come running back after a week.

“Josh?” Danny guessed. He looked down at me in his arm and I nodded. I noticed that he had a bit of scruff on his chin. Most girls probably wouldn’t like that, but I thought it was insanely cute. 

“You didn’t break up with him yet?” Cam questioned clearly shocked. I usually was good person and cheating was not exactly good.

“No,” I murmured. I was kind of embarrassed by my actions. It was pretty bad that I was going out with 2 guys at the same time.

“Well, look who’s being a bad girl,” Ben teased. He pulled a brush through his tangled hair. I stuck my tongue out at him. 

“You only wish you could get 2 people to go out with you,” I retorted in a joking manner. The only way to get through this was to joke about. Joking was the cure for everything.

“It’s the quality, not the quantity, darling,” Ben told me. He was happily engaged, so really, he was better off than my anyway.

“Hey!” Danny cried out, “Are you saying I’m not good quality?” He put on a hurt, which made me laugh.

“I didn’t say it, mate,” Ben replied, causing me to laugh again. 

“You implied it you mother fucker!” Danny shouted, dramatically taking his arm off of me. Ben shook his head.

“Whatever, dude. We got an interview,” Ben said, ending the conversation. He pulled an his sneakers and exited the bus with Danny at his heals.

“Do you plan to break up with Josh?” James questioned. He pulled a beer out of the fridge. It wasn’t even 3:00 and he was already getting drunk.

“Of course!” I responded, taking the beer out of his hand. No way was he getting drunk before they played.

“Good. I’d feel bad for the guy if you didn’t,” he told me. Did he really think I’d go out with 2 guys at once? He sat down beer-less and looking upset.

“Yeah,” I murmured. I felt sick just thinking about breaking up with him. We had been together for so long. Breaking up with him wasn’t going to be easy.

About an hour later, I was done setting up the merch and Danny still wasn’t done with that interview. I was pretty much staring at my phone contemplating calling Josh, but I couldn’t bring myself to push the button.

“Hello, gorgeous,” I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Danny standing over me with a smile on his face. He sat down next to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. He touch sent shivers all through my body.

“Hey. How was the interview,” I questioned as he put an arm around me. I loved the way his touch felt. It was an amazing feel like no other.

“Pretty good. I don’t think the interviewer liked us very much, though,” he replied with a smile. Not many interviewers like Danny and Ben because of how inappropriate they were.

“Not many interviews like you,” I told him, smiling back. I shifted getting comfortable in his arms.

“Bryanstars likes us!” he shot back like that was something to be proud of. If you don’t know about Bryanstars, he’s about the funniest, most inappropriate interview out there.

“And that says so much,” I quipped with a laugh. He laughed, too. I liked how this felt. It felt so right. It felt perfect. It felt like it was meant to be. The way he looked at me, the way his arm fit around me. I had never felt this way with Josh. It had never felt this way with Josh. It had never felt this right with him. It had never felt forced, but it never felt so perfect.

He just looked at me for a few moments like he was taking in every feature of my face. He then placed a kiss on my lips. My eyes closed and all I could feel was his lips against mine. It was almost as good as last night.

“Soundcheck time!” Ben shouted as he came onto the bus. Danny pulled away from me with a blush on his face.

“Come one, lovebirds. Soundcheck!” Ben cried loudly, making me blush as well. Danny and I stood up and followed Ben to the venue. Danny pushed his hand into mine and interlocked our fingers. He smiled at me and I smiled back. It felt so nice to have someone who loved me right there. I usually had to wait until I got home to fell anyone touch me.

When we got into the venue, Danny climbed onstage with Ben, Sam, James, and Cam and I leaned against the barricade. I was bobbing my head to the music when I felt arms around me. Considering Danny was onstage, I was pretty confused. Everyone on tour always just thought of me as a friend, well, besides Danny. I turned my head and was greeted by a cleanly shaved face, short brown hair, and the smell of nice cologne.


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