Something More Than Just Goodbye

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I woke up the next day in Danny's bunk. It was surprising that we fit in together considering how small the bunks were. I was pressed up against him and it felt so good to be that close. His arms were around me and I could smell his cologne. Well, more like cologne mixed with cigarettes, but the scent was calming. 

I pried Danny's arms off of me and attempted not to wake him up because I was sure it was early. Of course I couldn't not wake him up. I heard him moan as I opened the curtain and jumped out. 

"What time is it, Cass?" he questioned rolling over trying to block his eyes from the light. 

I stuck my head in the bunk and searched for my phone. "9:38," I replied when I found it. He moaned again. "Go back to sleep, babe," I told him and closed the curtain. I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to get ready. When I came out, Tyler was the only one up. 

"Morning, Cass," he greeted. I smiled and grabbed a pack of Pop-tarts and orange juice from the fridge. Orange juice was the only nonalcoholic beverage on this bus besides water. I grabbed a glass and poured myself a cup of juice. "Pour me some, too," Tyler commanded and I grabbed another cup. That was how mornings usually went. Tyler and I ate alone because we were the only ones awake. I handed him his juice and sat down at the table. 

He sat down across from me and bit into his toast. "Happy to be going home?" he questioned. I knew he already knew how I would answer. 

"Oh, yeah," I replied with a film of sarcasm over the tone of my voice. He grinned at me. He knew all about my family issues. 

"Do they know about Josh?" he asked with a mouth full of toast.  How he thought they had found out was beyond me. It's not like I talk to them everyday. I shook my head. "Good luck with that," he told me with some of his own sarcasm. 

"I know. They're gonna hate me more than they already do," I responded with a sigh. 

"As long as you're happy, fuck them," he encouraged. He was right, of course, but they were my parents; it was hard to just say fuck them. 

"Yeah," I sighed. We finished breakfast in silence and when we were done, we got to work. Usually, I waited to set up the merch till later, but I was hoping if I started now, I could spend more time with Danny later.

About an hour later, everything was done and it was. 11:15. I was so tempted to wake Danny up, but he had about 4 more hours to sleep and I wasn't that bitchy. Surprisingly, at 12:00, Danny climbed out of his bunk. 

"Oh my God! He's up before 3 PM," I exclaimed with a grin. He took his clothes into the bathroom and came out a few moments later looking quite handsome. He sat down next to me and pulled me close. He kissed my cheek. 

"Barf!" Tyler exclaimed. A smile spread across me face and I shook my head. Just to make Tyler more disgusted, I turned to Danny and put my lips on his. When I pulled away, Tyler really did look like he might puke. "Get a room!" he yelled. 

"Sorry, Tyler, who paid for this bus? Me, so this is technically my room," he told him pulling me in for another kiss. Tyler just shook his head and left the bus. He knew he couldn't win that argument. 

"Was that your plan?" I questioned gesturing to the door that Tyler had just walked out of. 

"Of course! I want to spend as much time with you as possible before you go back home," he replied with a smile. God, he had a gorgeous smile. He kissed me again and I kissed back. 

"Love you," I whispered pulling away. I looked into his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes. 

"Love you, too," he replied as Ben walked in rubbing his eyes. 

"Why are you guys up so early?" he asked. He eyes were bloodshot and he looked half asleep. It was obvious that he was hung over. 

"Because we're not hungover," Danny replied dryly. He eyes Ben and I could tell he was happy that he wasn't the hungover one. Hangovers are truly the worst. 

"That also means you're boring," Ben shot back. He ran his hand through his hair. Ben always wanted to be right. 

“Well, I’m just a hard worker,” I retorted. I was on tour to work, not to get drunk off my ass every night and sleep all day. I didn’t get paid to do nothing.

Instead of saying anything he just flipped me off and went into the bathroom. I chuckled at his gesture. There weren’t many people who could get away with giving me the finger and he was one of them.

Danny and I spent the whole day together. It was honestly one of the best days I had had in awhile. We didn’t really do anything extraordinary. We really just talked and listened to music, but I loved it. It didn’t take much to make me happy. Soon, it was time for doors to open and I started my work. Of course there was a-last-day-of-tour prank. Everyone on the whole tour - crew included - came out during Asking Alexandria’s set dressed up like Danny. I couldn’t help but laugh at the 30 Dannys singing along to Reckless and Relentless.

After the show, we started the short journey to the nearest airport. Yes, it was time to for me to head home to England. The plane was suppose to take off at 5 AM. By the time we got there, it was 2 AM. My suitcase was packed and I was dreading leaving. When we got to the drop off section if the airport, I hugged everyone. Leaving had always been a bitch.

“See you in 2 month, Cass,” Ban said as he wrapped his arms around me. I was going to miss him. No matter how much we bickered, he was one of my best friends.

“Have fun in England,” James joked as I hugged him. A half-hearted smile formed on my face. How was I suppose to go 2 months without seeing my best friends?

“Have fun writing the album,” I joked back. I felt him pull me in tighter.

Danny grabbed my suitcase and dragged it out of the bus and I followed him. He let go of my suitcase and it hit the curb.

“I’m gonna miss you babe,” he told me pulling me close to his chest. We had been apart before, but it was different now. I was going to be away from my boyfriend for 2 months. Before it had been hard, but we were just friends then.

I didn’t respond. I just breathed in his scent as if I were trying to bottle it in my nose. He pulled away a bit and leaned  in for a passionate kiss. I let the kiss take over my whole body knowing that this would be the last one for a while.

“I love you,” he whispered. When he pulled away. I let it hang in the air for a moment not wanting the moment to end.

“I love you, too,” I responded finally. He hugged me again. I wished he wouldn’t let me go, but he did. 

“You should go, but you can come for a visit anytime and call me whenever you want,” he told me. I smiled and grabbed my luggage. I kissed his cheek quickly and walked away reluctantly. It was all I could do to keep from crying.

A Love to Give (Danny Worsnop Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now