Ch.3 Not The Same

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■3rd Person POV■

It's been a month since Iwaizumi and Mina got together, they still hang out with Y/N. They still sit together in class, eating together, watching movies, and hanging out during the break. But actually, all of that makes Y/N hurt.

They were together but it's not the same as before, and Y/N doesn't like to bother Mina and Iwaizumi at times. After two weeks, she had been going to the club room more often after class and sometimes hung out with Ryou on Break time at the library, she told them she's doing a project.

Today she decided to avoid them by staying in the club room later than she usually is.

Y/N : Hajime, Mina, I'm sorry I have another club thing today.

Iwaizumi : you had been staying for clubs more often, it's almost rivaling my volleyball practice.

Mina : what kind of project anyway?

Y/N : it's a team project, well I'll see you later.. goodbye

Iwaizumi : Oi! Y/N... she had been home pretty late these days, how busy is that club.

Mina : you really are overprotective of her you know hahaha... well she's such a sweetie after all.

With that Mina and Iwaizumi go without Y/N again. Actually, Iwaizumi kinda miss grocery shopping with Y/N, but he has Mina, right?


I avoided them again, I feel bad for doing this but for now, seeing them together is still weighing me. I don't want to look down when I'm with them, I like Hajime and Mina.

I've been avoiding them by going to the library or the club room. I'm trying to keep my head occupied so I won't think about Hajime and Mina.

I'm about to grab the door handle, but someone grabs it first and opens it.

Ryou : going to stay late in here again? Good afternoon Y/N

Ryou greets me with his usual cheerful smile. Seeing him smiling somehow always makes the people around him smile too.

Y/N : good afternoon Ryou

I smiled at him and both of us get into the room. Lately, I keep on bumping into him in the club room and library. He's working on a ghost story and haunted places articles. He likes to write scary stories for our Friday article, the mystery section.

Really, sometimes I saw him like Tooru, but Tooru likes Alien instead. Because I keep on hanging around him, I sometimes help out with that. And he helps me with the girl's section, it's funny tho.

Ryou : Y/N aren't we close now? We've been hanging out together this whole month. Can you tell me the reason you stayed in the club room and library? Or the reason you put on a happy facade?

I look at Ryou's face, I was stunned. Do I look sad? I think I've been trying to put up a strong face, but Ryou knew it. Well, I guess it won't hurt to have someone to talk to about this, and Ryou being really nice to me as well.

Y/N : well... I guess I just haven't get over my first heartbreak hehe

Ryou: what? Do you have your heart broken? wait, is it the couple from the same class as us that you're always hanging with?

I nodded at him with a sad smile. I somehow ended up telling him about me liking my bestfriend since middle school, but recently he's going out with a friend of mine. I told him how the three of us are always together during free time and ate dinner together at my or Hajime's place.

Lately, it doesn't make me cry anymore, it's still hurt but i don't feel like crying. But now, telling this to someone somehow my eyes sting.

Y/N : I like being with them, but it hurts... I want to stop feeling down when I'm around the-

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