Ch.6 Not Me

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■3rs Person POV■

Y/N is going on a trip with her club member, Ryou picks her up in front of her apartment after class. It'll be a three days two-night trip, and Iwaizumi somehow feeling conflicted. He sees as Y/N and Ryou walk away.

Y/N seems close with Ryou and it kind of makes Iwaizumi uneasy. It's weighing his mind and heart. Mina had been aware of Iwaizumi going all antsy and pissed. It's more than just being worried, she knew it's something else.

Y/N just arrived at the senior's villa, it's 9.30 when they arrived. Everyone is gathering in the living room and talk about books, articles, and such. And after that everyone has free time.

Y/N is going on the 2nd-floor balcony and look at the scenery. It's already dark but she could see enough thanks to the moonlight. She remembers how she used to walk home together with Iwaizumi and Oikawa and sometimes stopped by the park to look at the stars.

Ryou : it's cold you know

Ryou wraps his jacket on Y/N's shoulder and stands next to her. Y/N thanked Ryou, feeling embarrassed for being clumsy and forgot to wear a jacket. They were standing there and talk, before deciding to sleep.



Tonight is the 2nd night, we've been doing a lot of things today. And now we're all standing Infront of the forest entrance behind my senior's villa. They said we're going to have a courage test. There is 16 people in here so we were divided into 8 teams consisting of 2 people. I was with another girl from my year named Yuri.

Yuri : oh my god, I'm scared of this kind of thing you know.

Y/N : actually me too hehe

We laugh together, just then Ryou came to me. He said it such an unfortunate that we're not on the same team. I told him it's alright. Then my time and Yuri has come. The both of us walk together hand in hand. Actually, I'm scared but, as long as I have someone next to me it's alright.

Yuri : I just hope something didn't suddenly pop out of nowhere.

I chuckled at her, Yuri is a cheerful girl. She's kind and very enthusiastic with her writings. We were walking while getting to know each other more when we heard a rustle. Yuri was startled and she almost falls into lower ground, I caught her but the both of us fell instead. We fell with me on the bottom and Yuri on the top of me.

Yuri : oh my god, oh my god I'm sorry Y/N! Are you alright?

Y/N : it's alright I'm fine.

Yuri got up first and held her hand for me, but when I'm trying to stand up, I fell again. I look at my left ankle, it is swollen. I think I sprained my foot when we fall. I won't be able to climb this steep ground like this. Yuri started to panicked, I grab her hand and gave her the flashlight.

Y/N : Yuri can you go back to the forest entrance alone? You can take the flashlight with you, then tell someone to pick me up.

Yuri : wha- but it'll be dark you know.

Y/N : I'm fine okay, I have my phone. If we just call them they might not going to find us that easy.

With that Yuri climbs the steep ground and walks fast to the other. I was sitting alone wincing in pain, it's actually quite eerie. The cloud cover the moonlight and it's getting darker, just then I was startled by my phone. I look at the caller, it's Mina. I pick the video call up and saw Hajime's face. Suddenly I feel like crying.

Iwaizumi : Y/N what are you doing right now? We're on a call with Oikawa right- oi what wrong?

My ankle hurts, I think some of my other body parts are bruised as well. But most of all, I'm scared.

Y/N : Hajime....( sobs)

■Iwaizumi's POV■

Why is it so dark in there, where is she? Why is she crying? Is that dirt on her face? Oikawa saw me panicked and asked what happened from my phone. I didn't hear what Oikawa or Mina saying, I'm focused on Y/N.

Iwaizumi : what happens? Where are you?

Y/n : I fell in a small ravine, actually it's not too high to climb (sobs) but, my ankle is sprained. (Sobs) a friend of mine is calling for help but I'm alone... Hajime, stay with me, please.

My heart clenches, I don't like seeing her like this. I shouldn't have let her go without me.

Iwaizumi : I'm with you Y/N, I'm he-

Just then I heard someone's voice on the other line. They're calling Y/N, and the voice is getting closer. I knew this voice. Y/N told me her friends is coming, she dropped her hand but I could still see her. Then Inuzuka came in to view.

Ryou: Y/N! Hey, are you alright? Hey, it's alright I'm here.

I'm not there

Inuzuka brought Y/N closer to him, he pushes her into his chest. He tried to calm Y/N down, and then he looks at the screen and picks the phone up.

Ryou : Iwaizumi san, Y/N sprained her ankle. I'll go take her back to the villa, but I'm sorry i might have to end this call.

It's not me who saved her

Iwaizumi : it's alright, thank you for saving her...

With that Inuzuka nodded and ends the call. I put Mina's phone on the table and sit down. Trashykawa has been worried as well as Mina because I didn't let them look at the phone earlier. Mostly because I'm too worried about Y/N. I told them what happened, and tell them someone already came for her.

Mina : thank god Inuzuka is in there, my poor Y/N.

Oikawa : I'm really gonna treat that Inuzuka when I'm back, he's not bad right Iwa chan? Ooi... Iwa chan?

Y/N is in trouble, and I'm not there to help her. Just like what Oikawa said before, someone will take care of her.

Iwaizumi : she was saved... but the one who saved her... is not me...

Someday she'll be with someone else, because... I'm just her bestfriend. The image of Ryou embracing Y/N just now came to mind. Why am I so pissed? Because Y/N got hurt because I'm not the one who protected her? Because someone is with her instead of me?

The one who will always be next to her

Is not me

Because I'm just her bestfriend.

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