Chapter 2

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Christina picked me up on Thursday, along with Will and Marlene. Shauna liked to go to school earlier than most so she could get ahead with homework, so there was no need to pick them up. She parked the car two rows away from the entrance and the four of us stepped out, backpacks in hand.

"It seems I taught you well, little one," Christina said as she looked at my outfit for the day. I looked down at my clothes and smiled. I was wearing leggings, a white tank-top with a beige and black cardigan over it. I had my hair up in a messy bun, with the usual make-up look I wore for school.

"I guess you did," I agreed.

Christina had always been the one to pick my outfits back when we were younger, and I guess that had shaped my style.

Will grinned down at his girlfriend and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as the four of us made our way towards the school building. Instead of going into the building, we settled in the picnic tables scattered in the front lawn. Shauna — who Marlene had texted upon our arrival — joined us minutes later.

We all chatted for a while, the conversation running smoothly between us. I stopped mid-sentence when I felt someone standing behind Shauna and I. I looked up, expecting to find Four standing there, but instead was met with two guys — Uriah and Zeke.

"Hey," they both said in sync.

"You must be the new girl, Tris right?" Uriah said as they sat down, Uriah in front of Marlene and Zeke somehow squishing himself next to Shauna.

"I'm Uriah, and that one over there is my brother, Zeke," he flashed a smile, showing off his perfect teeth.

I nodded my head, not really knowing what to say.

"I heard you nearly got detention with Four," Zeke mentioned as he peeked his head to look past a blushing Shauna.

"I guess. It wasn't anything serious," I shrugged.

"Well, we wanted to ask you guys to have lunch with us today," Uriah said, turning his attention to Marlene. She smiled and nodded her head, a blush taking over her cheeks. Uriah grinned and nodded his head in satisfaction, standing up along with his brother.

"We'll see you guys at lunch, then," he said, leaning down to kiss Marlene's cheek while Zeke did the same move on Shauna. The boys winked as they walked away and the three of us — Christina, Will, and I — looked at the girls in amusement. Before we could tease them, the bell rang.

"Saved by the bell," Will said with a shake of his head.

"See you at lunch," I said and headed to class.

* * *

Lunch came around faster than I expected. Marlene and I were standing in line to get our food while we chatted about what we wanted to do after graduation. When we went to sit at our regular table Four and Uriah stood in front of us, blocking our view. Four had his arms crossed, looking rather bored, while Uriah was looking at Marlene with a flirtatious smile.

"You guys are eating with us, remember?" Uriah explained as he pointed to their table. Christina and Will were already seated there with Shauna and Zeke sitting in front of them. The people who usually sat at the table were there, but they were all minding their own business.

Marlene and I looked at one another before following them back to their table. I sat next to Christina and Four took a seat in front of me. I placed my lunch tray in front of me and grimaced at the food, opting to just eat my cookie with milk. I focused in on the conversation happening around the table but was quickly distracted when I noticed Four was staring at me.

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