Chapter 17

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I parked my car outside Tobias' garage and took the keys out. I stepped out of the car and went up to the door jiggling the keys in my fingers. I knocked on the door twice and waited. Minutes later my boyfriend opened the door with a big smile on his face.

"Baby!" he exclaimed as he lifted me up from the floor and kissed me. I laughed and pulled back.

"Hi" I murmured giggling.

"I'm making pasta for lunch" he said as he closed the door and placed me back down. I nodded my head "why don't you look around while I finish" he suggested. I murmured an okay before pecking his soft cheek and going up the long white staircase.

I went through all the rooms and none of them really caught my attention since they were completely empty. But at the end of the hallway, there was this one that made me stop. The door was ajar and from the outside you could see some boxes piled up and a dresser with a couple of pictures on top and half empty perfumes.

I looked back once to see if Tobias was around to stop me. I really hope he doesn't mind me going inside. I'm not sure if this was his mother's room.

When I went inside my questions were answered. It wasn't his mom's room but he kept all her stuff and his memories of her stored in here.

I felt bad just by standing in here. These objects were special and I really shouldn't be checking any of this things but I just couldn't help myself.

I grabbed one of the frames in my hand and examined it very carefully. There was a picture of a women that looked so similar to Tobias that it definitely had to be his mother. Then there he was, little five year old Tobias smiling as he held a small toy car in his hand.

I smiled as I rubbed my thumb against the glass of the frame.

"What'd you got there princess?" Tobias said. The door creaked as it opened and he came inside. I turned around and smiled at him.

"She was really pretty" I complimented. Tobias wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed his lips against my head. I felt sudden happiness at his touch. He always did that to me.

"Yeah she was" he murmured.

I placed the picture back down and looked around for more things I could find interesting. There was this one thing that caught my eye. A black guitar case was laying on the corner of the room. It seemed like no one had touched it in a while because it had some dust on top of it.

I walked towards it and grabbed it. Tobias footsteps followed.

"Yours?" I asked. He nodded his head and looked down at it with a small smile. Tobias then grabbed the case and opened it slowly. Seconds later he took out a light wooden guitar, looking perfectly new. It seemed like no one had touched in a very long time.

"She taught me to play it when I was very little but after she.. passed away I just stored it in here and stopped using it" he explained to me. I nodded and traced my finger down the smooth wood. From the corner of my eyes I could see him smiling down at me.

"Can you teach me?" I said after some minutes passed. I had always wanted to play some kind of instrument, I really didn't matter. I just wanted to. I could sing a little, my voice wasn't bad but it was not as good as Tobias's.

"You want to learn?" he asked. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Sure, come on"

Tobias grabbed my hand and led me downstairs to the living room. On the coffee table we had two plates filled with pasta and sprite poured in two cups. Tobias placed the pillows down and we both sat down.

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