Chapter 5

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The game was actually really entertaining and we all had a lot of fun just yelling and cheering. Four and I shared a hot dog but of course we had to split it in half before eating it. It would be really weird if we ate the hot dog together, at the same time.

After the basketball game Uriah suggested we went to the fair that was right outside of the city. It would be a 40 minute drive, almost an hour. I went in Four's car of course and it wasn't awkward at all. We both just listened to the music and he sang along to some of them, making me smile.

When we reached the fair, Four and I walked towards the ticket booth. I took out my wallet to pay for mine but Four snatched it out of my hand and placed it on his back pocket.

"Give it back!" I told him but he ignored me.

"Two tickets" he told the guy behind the booth. He smiled at us and printed the two tickets, taking Four's money.

"Thanks man" he said as he grabbed the tickets and bracelets. I glared at Four as he handed me mine and my wallet. I rolled my eyes and saw as he smirked.

The others arrived minutes later and we all went inside the theme park. We walked around for a while before deciding to go in the hunted mansion. After ten minutes of waiting in line, they let us all in and the tour began. Except we didn't have a tour guide, it was only us eight.

Zeke and Shauna were first, then Christina and Will, Marlene and Uriah were third and Four and I were last. I could barely see anything because Will was way taller than me and he was blocking everything up front.

"You okay there little one" Four teased. I pushed him and rolled my eyes. He laughed loudly and then stopped me.

"Come on hop in" he murmured before kneeling down and letting me jump on his back. I hesitated before doing it. Four began walking again, catching up to the others.

"How does it feel to be so small?" he teased again. I hit his head and he chuckled once again. We reached the red doors and that's where everything started. I would hide my head in Four's shoulder every time something scary came up. His body always resonated with laughter when I screamed and did so. I would probably be laughing too if I wasn't so scared right now.

At the end of it I got off of Four's back and ran towards our friends.

"It wasn't that scary" Christina said.

"Well tell that to Tris and Uriah, they kept on screaming like little babies" Four said as he pinched my cheek. I rolled my eyes and chose to ignore him.

"Well me and my new friend will leave to get some cotton candy" Uriah said as he placed his arm around my shoulders and took me to a little cafeteria.

"You scream like a girl Uri" I said as I laughed. He shrugged and smiled.

"It was to annoy Mar"

I high five him. When we got our citing candy the others came. Four didn't look so happy. Marlene stuck her tongue out at me and grabbed Uriah's hand pushing him towards her. I laughed and rolled my eyes at her.

"Hey!" I exclaimed when Four took s pice out of my cotton candy. It was huge! He ignored me and laid his back against a wall.

"What's wrong?" I murmured to Four when they were all buying food.


"Really? You seem mad"

"I'm not" he said.

"Well that vein in your forehead begs to differ" I pointed out.

"Do you like Uriah?" he asked furrowing.

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