Chapter 14

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The sound of birds and a fan moving woke me up from my dreamless sleep. I opened my eyes slowly and was met by the light of the day coming from the window. I wasn't in my house, or my room or the tent.

I was surrounded by dark wooden walls and three bunks in front of me. I then started remembering how I got bit by the snake and then passed out.

I looked around and found Tobias sleeping, his head resting on the edge of my bed and his hand unconsciously holding mine. I smiled and stroked his skin with my thumb.

"Tobias" I murmured sitting up carefully. A wave of nausea hit me but it soon faded away. I shook Tobias gently until he woke up.

He lifted his head up and looked around with confusion and sleepiness. His eyes than landed on me and relief washed all over his face.

"You're alright" he exclaimed cupping my cheeks with his hands and kissing every inch of my face. I laughed when he pulled away and rolled my eyes.

"You missed a spot" I smiled. Tobias leaned in and kissed my lips softly.

"There" he smirked.

"I've only been out for what? Three hours?" I said looking down at my watch. Tobias furrowed his brows and shook his head cupping my cheek with one hand and caressing my skin.

"Babe you were out for half a day"

"Really?" I frowned. He nodded "come on, I'm not tired anymore" I said standing up and checking my leg.

"I think you should rest" he suggested but I shook my hand and limped towards the door. Tobias sighed and followed after me putting his arm around my waist and helping me walk.

When we went back to the camp -which was less than 5 meter away- we went to find our friends. They were reunited in Uriah's tent watching a movie and eating lots of chocolate.

When they saw me they jumped up from their spot and went to hug me. It is not like I died and came back to life.

"Guys I'm fine," I said laughing and returning their hugs.

"You could've," Will pointed out. Tobias glared at him and the others laughed including myself.

"Baby sis?" I turned around to see a worried Caleb looking down at me. I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"I'm fine, it was just a bite" I told him.

"Yeah, with venom" he added. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek.

"I'll be fine, go have fun" I murmured. Caleb muttered something to Tobias before leaving to sit with his group. My boyfriend and I sat down next to our friends and watched the movie which was beginning to get interesting.

In the middle of it we were called for our snack. So far the camping trip was turning out to be fun. 

The next day everyone put on their swimsuits and headed out to the lake. We had to walk about one mile but it was worth it. It was extremely hot outside and all of us were craving for a swim. 

When we got there we saw the crystalline lake in front of us. There were picnic table surrounding it with BBQ next to them. We picked a table, put our stuff down and took a seat.

"Lets go" Tobias said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the water. When we were about reach it Tobias stopped and grabbed me by the waist instead, throwing me on his shoulder. I laughed and screamed loudly while I slapped his back.

Some of the people around us laughed and shook their heads before getting inside the water.

"Put me down Four!" I exclaimed but he wouldn't. He just continued running until we were inside the cold water.

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