Chapter 6

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I put on my white and reed cheerleading uniform and glanced at myself. The uniform was sleeveless with the school initials printed in the front. The only complain most girls had was that the skirt being incredibly short, but in my opinion they made our legs look longer. Besides, we could always wear shorts underneath — which I did. 

I pulled my blond hair into a perfect, high ponytail before applying some makeup to finish off the look. I decided a smokey eye-shadow would be a fitting look for the night. I knew that subconsciously I was trying to look good for Four. 

Once I was done getting ready, I rushed down the stairs and saw Caleb putting his jacket on. Caleb was also going to the game tonight which was a good thing for me, since he was my ride. Christina had promised to drive me back after the game. 

"You ready?" he asked me. 

I nodded my head and checked myself out one last time before walking out out with my brother and heading towards his car. Throughout the entire ride, Caleb talked non-stop about his new interest, Susan. From what he had said, she seemed nice. 

"The games about to start, run" he said to me. I obeyed, jumped out of the car and began running towards the football field. As I made my way to the group many guys around me whistle making me blush and a bit uncomfortable.

Let the night begin.


I leaned my head against the locker and closed my eyes. It was the beginning of the season but if we lost this game, it would mean that we wouldn't go into the finals. Plus, I wanted to make a certain cheerleader proud.

"Four come on," I heard Zeke's voice calling out for me. I sighed and went to follow my team. Once we were out we heard many cheers from the bleachers. I waved my hand and put on my biggest smile. 

We started warming up, first stretching and then passing the ball around. I looked to the cheerleaders and noticed that Tris still wasn't here.

Is she even coming? I mean, she's the captain of the team. She was probably just running a little late. 

All of a sudden I heard whistles coming from the bleachers. I looked around to see what all the deal was about and that's when I saw her. Dressed in her cheerleading uniform, with a high ponytail and her gym bag on her shoulder. I couldn't help but look down at her legs. She looked gorgeous. It was actually making me nervous. I was probably going to be staring at her all night. 

Our eyes met and I smiled at her, waving my hand. She did the same. 

"Let's go Four, this is no time to be flirting!" Coach yelled from the benches. I rolled my eyes at him. Tris, and probably everyone in here, heard what he said.

I just rolled my eyes and threw the ball at Zeke.

The game went by slowly and we were losing. I was stressed out of my mind, if we did lose than all the blame would be thrown at me because I'm the captain. when our break came I threw water on my sweaty head and then went straight to the locker rooms.

None of my teammates followed me, they knew I didn't want to talk to anybody.

I sighed as I opened the door and went to the bathroom. I washed my face one I was in front of the mirror. I then placed my hands on the sides and took a deep breath.

I need to win this game.

I need to show Tris and everyone else that for once in my life, I'm worth their attention and support.

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