Chapter 24

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I checked myself out in the mirror fixing my tie and blazer. I then grabbed some gel and ran my fingers through my hair repeatedly, making sure I got a small quiff. I smirked and nodded my head, hopefully Tris would like the way I looked tonight.

"Come on Four, the limo is waiting for us outside," Uriah yelled opening the door and peaking his head inside. I grabbed the corsage that was carefully placed inside a fancy box and followed my best friend down the stairs.

When we stepped outside of my house I saw the black limo in my driveway. Zeke and Will were already inside waving their hands and telling us to hurry our pace.

We hopped inside the car telling the driver the address for Tris' house. I couldn't wait to see how beautiful and perfect she looked.

The whole ride was fill with our voices, all of us talking about random stuff that had been happening lately. When we arrived to my girlfriends house, we all got out of the car and walked towards her front door, knocking on it.

Seconds later it opened revealing Tris' parents and Caleb, who was already dressed up holding his girlfriends hand -a.k.a Susan. I smiled and greeted all of them, hugging Caleb and Andrew, kissing Natalie's and Susan's cheek.

The boys did the same as we all exchanged our hellos. Tris' parents knew the boys already since we had had a couple of barbecues together. I could honestly say that i loved them because the food was amazing and I got to hang out with my princess and friends all night.

"Wow you boys look handsome," Natalie complimented as Andrew wrapped an arm around her waist. I smiled as I watched them, picturing myself and Tris one day greeting our daughter's boyfriend.

"Thank you Natalie," I murmured.

"Come on, they are waiting for us," I heard a girl's voice coming from up the stairs, probably Marlene's because Uriah's face lit up almost instantly. This is what love does.

The sound of heels were soon heard and I watched patiently as I waited for my girlfriend to come down. When she finally came into view I felt my jaw dropping.

I was shocked because, how can someone be so damn perfect!? And how could I be so freakin lucky?

I found myself gaping at her as she walked towards me, blushing and smiling shyly, "hi Tobias"

She murmured quietly making sure the others didn't hear. I was snapped out of my trance when her sweet voice rang in my ears.

"Princess, y-you look... pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, flawless, perfect, adorable.."

"I got it," she chuckled blushing harder and wrapping her arms around my neck as I placed mine on her small waist, "thank you"

"You look really beautiful, seriously. You always do" I said pressing my hand against her cheek and running my thumb along her soft skin.

"You look very handsome yourself Tobias," she smirked and winked, making me chuckle and shake my head. I leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss that lasted more than ten seconds, before pulling back and pecking her forehead.

We then turned to look at the others who were smiling at us.

"Time for the pictures!" Natalie exclaimed, taking out a camera from her pocket. Tris sighed, she wasn't a fan of pictures unless they were selfies of ourselves, and they were usually silly ones.

"Smile," I murmured against her ear as I wrapped my arms around, standing behind her. She did as I told her making me smile as well, while looking down at her.

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