Chapter 8

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Everyone had been talking about the dance coming up, specially the girls. I wasn't that excited because I honestly wanted to go with Four. Not that he was gonna accept but at least I could chat with him or even dance.

But we weren't on speaking terms. I knew it was my fault but I jus didn't want him to break my heart again. It really hurt me when he said those mean things, or when he asked me stay away like he did the last time we fought.

But I didn't have time to find a date because we had the winter ball today. In just a few hours. Edgar wanted to ask me but he was gonna be out of town, which I thanked God for. I didn't want more complications in my life.

At least not for today.

"Tris hurry up!" Marlene yelled as she knocked loudly on my closet's door.

"I'm coming gee" I said as I grabbed my dress and slipped it on. It was a long sleeve V neck white dress, that only reached my thighs. I thought it was perfect for tonight. It wasn't very formal but it was really cute.

I smiled and put on my cream colored heels.

"Done" I said as I walked out of the closet and showed the girls my dress "I'll just need to do my hair"

"You're dress is beautiful Tris" they all complimented. I smiled and thanked them.

"Oh my god! Guys you won't believe this!" Christina said as she checked something in her phone and smiled widely in disbelief.

"What is it?" I asked as I plugged the curling iron.

"Four is going to the dance" Christina said and the girl's jaws dropped.

"Okay...?" I muttered still not understanding what was going on and what all the fuzz was about.

"Okay? No Tris honey, you don't understand" Marlene said.

"Four never, ever, ever attends school dances. Or anything that's not teenage parties" Shauna explained.

"It's you, don't you see. We told him you were going and that's why he's going too" Christina squealed.

"No it isn't"

I ignored them and their comments until they stopped talking.

When I finished doing my curls and makeup, we all left to the party on Christina's car.

It was being hosted in a mansion where no one lived. They only used that place for important parties. It was completely white and there were lights making the the dark sky shine.

We got out and walked to the place with our arms linked, just like in the movies. The music was loud enough for everyone to hear and enjoy.

There many guys in suits going around holding trays with champagne.

"What are your names darlings?" an older women in the front desk asked as she smiled up at us. We told her our names and she checked her list.

"Table thirteen, enjoy the night"

When we reached the table all the boys stood up and went to greet their girlfriends. The reason they hadn't picked up their girlfriends was because Will and Uriah still hadn't found their suits and Zeke was helping them picked them out. I guess they didn't have enough time.

Four wasn't there.

Was he really coming?

"Hello" a deep husky voice said behind us. We turned and saw Four, dressed up in a black suit with a silver colored tie. He had his hair messy and wet. He looked freaking handsome.

"Hi Tris" he smiled as he looked at me.

I gave him a small smile and murmured a soft 'hello'.

"Can't believe you're actually here" Uriah said smirking. Four glared at him and rolled his blue eyes.

"Yeah well, since this is my last year.."

"hmm hmm" they all hummed.

"Whatever, lets sit down" he said as he took a seat and drank from his champagne. I smiled to myself and sat back down next to him.

Some hours passed, we all chatted and ate listening to the music.

"Didn't think you'd actually come" a very annoying high pitched voice muttered. Lauren was standing next to Four's chair smiling and playing with a strand of her dark hair. Her red dress barely covered her up and it was see through almost everywhere.

"Uh yeah.." he murmured and took another sip of his drink.

"So how about you and me both dance, maybe we can go to my place after" she said 'seductively' at him.

Four could not dance with her before he danced with me. I thought I was more important. But of course, Lauren had much more to offer.

"I'm gonna get some air" I told them and smiled before going outside.

On the backyard there was a path that lead to a huge fountain with a couple of benches surrounding it. I sat down and stared at the water falling.

"Tris" Four said running up to me "what's wrong?"

"Nothing" I shook my head and faked smiled.

"I didn't dance with her" he assured me as he sat down. I shrugged pretending to not be interested.

"Whatever" I muttered.

From the corner of my eyes I saw him smirking and shaking his head.

"Wil you forgive me please. I can't stand not talking to you, you're my best frenemie remember" he said as he looked at me "I'm so sorry for being such a stupid jerk to you, I don't want to stay away from you and you from me. I'll do anything if you forgive me"

I stared at my manicured nails and picked at them.

"I don't want you to break my heart again" I muttered.

"I won't, I promise. I think my jerk policy expired the day we fought" he said and I smiled, chuckling silently.

"Fine, you're forgiven" I said and saw as he jumped to hug me "but" I said stopping him "if you break my heart again, I'll make sure Uriah annoys the crap out of you"

He smiled and nodded his head.

"Deal" he said and then we both hugged. I held onto him tightly, I had missed his touch so much. His cologne filled my nostrils making me smile.

Four pulled back and kissed my cheek softly before standing up and heading his hand out for me to take.

"Come on, I'll really like to dance with you" he murmured. I smiled as I took his hand and walked back to the ball with him.

[I'm really for this short chapter, but I wanted this one to be specially about the ball. I'll try to post the next one tomorrow and I think you guys will really like it... Thank you for reading]

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