Invincible ghosts (Schwethz)

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Invincible ghosts

The moon is bright,

Lit high up in the dark sky.

Ghostly eerie embraces me

Stepping into the haunted memories.

Gulping down the fear,

I try to exhilarate my excitement level.

The bat parades to and fro,

Welcoming me to it's living paradise.

Sensing my smell the gates wide open,

Chiming the falls and curtains.

Who knew you were on surveillance,

Patroling over my head for your enclosure.

Sweat beads formed on my forehead,

Upon seeing the flicker of lights.

Maybe the gust of night is so fast,

Disrupting the power supply.

The clicky screeches of bats ricochets,

Letting them know, I am here.

Invincible ghosts do scare me like hell,

As if I have left some remnants.

Looking lament cause of their loved ones

As they have left without offering rituals.

Something slipped out of my hand,

I kneel and look above just to see my ceiling.

Ahh, I realize happily,

It was a bad dream after all...

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