Winter Wonderland (PriscillaYiadom4)

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Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland is a place where people go skiing and snowboarding.

Winter Wonderland is season bless with snow and snowball fights.

Winter Wonderland is a season when children come outside to play with their sleds and making snowmen.

Winter Wonderland is season filled with holiday cheer and spirit.

Winter Wonderland is a season where the Carolers come to people's homes and sing Christmas Carols.

Winter Wonderland is a season filled with joy and happiness.

Winter Wonderland is a season where people go to the malls to buy Christmas gifts for family members.

Winter Wonderland is a season to help the needy in social.

Winter Wonderland is a season that churches have their annual Christmas gifts drive to give to the poor.

Winter Wonderland is a place where Santa and his elvies at the North pole make toys for children at they toy factory, for Santa to take the toys and deliver them to the children on time.

Winter Wonderland always snows most of time for everyone to play Winter sports.

Winter Wonderland is a beautiful place to play and hang out with close friends.

I love winter Wonderland because of the Mistletoe hanging in front of the door to get that special kiss from someone Special.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy New year.

Authors note : Here is my Poem about Winter enjoy. Ahseya_aye, ArtisticGirl__, Oceaness15

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