My Dream (EyvindrAstrophel)

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My Dream

I am alone again

Sitting on my chair

There is a pile of books on my desk

Beside it is a lamp

The only thing that lights up my dark world

With my pen I start to write

But blood spill from my nose

The white paper become tainted with drops of blood

I look at my hands

They are trembling

I see chains on it

I try to stand

But father said, "Getting on top is the priority."

My teeth gritted in pain

I am tired

Let us stop this act

I don't wanna play anymore

To keep going and impressing

I am restless

When will you hear my voice?

When will I hear your voice?

Saying I've done enough?

Saying you're proud of me?

Why should I take the path you build?

When I have my own path too.

I look at the mirror

Only to see a different person

A shattered broken me

Who is smiling but filled with lies and hypocrisy

I'm like a puppet on your hand

With strings all over me

Swaying every part of me to your satisfaction

You said I will not be like you

Like you who is a man with great stature

But when in the first place

I don't wanna be you

I want to be myself

Myself who I know is full of dreams,

A heart with passion and unwavering courage

But right now I don't know anymore

I forget how to dream

Because for years

To live up your dream

Becomes my dream

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