Oceans (PriscillaYiadom4)

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Oceans are blue like the sky.

Oceans are peaceful when calm.

Oceans are blue as the water coming from Water falls.

Oceans flow in the bellows of the Atlantic ocean.

Oceans are peaceful and clean.

Oceans are blinds of a window.

Oceans are a places to come down to see all. The fishes big and small.

Oceans are beautiful.

Oceans are blessed.

Oceans are elements.flollowimg in the dark.

Oceans where are you.

Oceans are waterfalls to swinging In the wind.

Oceans break apart when coming through the rivers.

Oceans are created by God.

Oceans give you peace and blessings.

Oceans are blessings God gave us.

Oceans make you happy.

Oceans make you put a smile in your face.

Oceans are elements God. Use when we are in need.

Oceans flow through night and day.

I love the ocean because of peace of mind.

Oceans will always be there for us.

Oceans are our souce of drinking water to drink, wash, bath and cook.

Oceans are beautiful to see during The sunset.

Authors note: this poem goes to PhilippaGregory

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