Chapter 3: Not What I Expected

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"Ffucking h-hell-l-l!!!"

Robo Fizz jumped in his exoskeleton when the chubby demon mechanic's soldering gun hit a particularly sensitive spot under his arm.

Sparks rained down, bouncing harmlessly off of his thigh and the table like a flammable mini waterfall. He'd only booted back up about an hour ago. The last thing he remembered was one of his old rival Blitzo's cronies riding up on that stupid fat dragon and the damned beast gobbling him up like an hors d'oeuvres. Its breath had stunk to high heaven! He'd shut off while he was in the dumb animal. He'd been too damaged from the fire and its saliva had gotten into his circuits, frying him before he could spin out of it. When he came to, all he could think about was revenge.

That stupid failed clown and his little lackeys had ruined his entire show! The park had been up in flames the last time he'd seen it; Satan only knew what it looked like now. Mammon was going to be pissed! He was still lost in his own thoughts when the door swung open and a demon lady of all things walked in.

"Excuse me? I'm Samara, Mammon's assistant. He sent me here to oversee this robot's repairs."

She said, walking up to the mechanic and sticking out her hand, which the demon shook. She grimaced at the layer of grease and grime the contact left on her and subtly tried to wipe it off on a nearby towel.

She was tall and slender, though not as much as he was, with light bubblegum pink skin and long hair the color of snow, accented by two small curling demon horns, with two more that were more like small bumps on the either side of her forehead right above the outsides of her eyebrows. She still had plenty of curves for that willowy figure, and her eyes were unique to him.

Black sclera with large white irises and no pupils. There was a tiny beauty mark high on her left cheek and her makeup made those big baby doll eyes pop even more. Two thin 'jester lines' trailed down her cheeks from those eyes in the same black liner, one of the only hints of who she worked for.

She was overall a hot-ass piece. Made sense that she was Mammon's assistant. She probably 'assisted' him plenty. Robo Fizz chuckled lecherously to himself. The mechanic and this 'Samara' ignored him, with the former starting to explain more about his latest project foisted on him by the Greed demon.

"Oh yeah? Well, he's alive at least, as alive as a robot can be anyway. I turned him back on about an hour ago. Makes it easier when he can move for me, and tell me where he feels damage, even though this one bitches a lot. His voice box is going to have to stay broken indefinitely, although I can make it a little better tomorrow. It'd take a long time to order a brand new one. It's a specialty piece. Otherwise, he should be ready to go in a couple of weeks. I've had him all morning and I've got other appointments to get to. He's not the only one of Mammon's little animatronics to be dropped off. He's in the worst shape though. The others just have fire damage."

The mechanic scooted back on his stool, wiping spot and oil from his hands onto a cloth, the same one Samara had used.

"You can take him now. He's a yappy fella too. I'll show you where his off switch is if you wanna shut him up for a while and get some peace. Lucifer fucking knows I would have if I didn't need his responses to speed up the process."

"A-a-aaawwww! I t-t-thought you were really-really warming up to meee. You w-wound me, sir!"

The Jester Bot threw up an arm and leaned back dramatically, feigning sorrow. A muffled giggle made him peek over at Samara, who had her hands clamped over her mouth and was desperately trying to hide a smile.

Broken Toys (A Robo Fizz Romance) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now