Chapter Nine: Cotton Candy & Cigarettes

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       ((Author's note: Major smut warning! We're still in flashback here, so buckle up and get your glasses because it's lemonade time! Also please point out any errors as I wrote this on very little sleep.))


       Samara stood awkwardly in front of the door to Fizzarolli's huge apartment, clutching her coat around her. She wasn't exactly wearing a lot under it after all, and even in the foyer outside of the elevator she'd taken up to this penthouse suite, it was a bit brisk. She didn't have to wait long before Fizzarolli opened the door and let her inside. He seemed a little sheepish, but Samara didn't have much time to ponder that before her new surroundings took her focus away.

"Oh WOW!!!"

She cried, unable to control her childlike glee as she bounced on her heels and clapped her hands. Fizzarolli had circus stuff everywhere. That was to be expected from a literal jester, but what Samara was geeking out over wasn't just that. It was the sheer amount of games he had everywhere. Arcade units, gaming consoles, everything you could imagine. He even had one of those dance pads with the arrows. Not the cheap plastic roll-out one either that always stuck to your feet and came up with you every step you tried to take, but the thick metal kind. She couldn't stop herself from rushing over to inspect it closer with a squeal, forgetting Fizzarolli's presence for the moment.

"Well, welcome to my humble abode, I guess."

He chuckled, feeling a little bit put at ease by her antics. He still wanted to talk to her but it could wai—

"Woah, what are you doing?!"

Samara had remembered why she was here when she heard him speak, and had started shrugging off her coat to reveal a black and red neglige edged with skull-patterned lace and complete with garter and fishnet stockings. She didn't figure she'd need to wear actual clothes tonight. These would probably end up in ribbons on the floor anyway. She quirked an eyebrow at him and stated so, matter-of-factly. Plus, if they did what she came here to do then maybe if there was time after he'd let her play one of these.

"Okay yeah fair point. But, I wanted to talk to you about that so could you please put your coat back on? That's majorly distracting!"

Fizzarolli held one of his hands out to stop her, the other covering his eyes. He didn't trust himself to take that lovely vision in for one more second. He was already uncomfortably hard. She'd really caught him off-guard there!

Samara tied her coat back up and sat primly on the couch where he pointed blindly to, not looking until she assured him that yes, she'd redressed. What exactly was up with him? Normally she'd have been dragged off to the bedroom or just down onto the floor by now.

Did she do something wrong? He'd seemed eager enough earlier today... She started to feel a little self-conscious...

Fizzarolli sat on the opposite side, facing her but with a comfortable distance between them. He let out a sigh and just spit out what he was thinking.

"Look, I feel kinda shitty that I sort of just jumped at this without even talking to you first. I mean I'm fucking you not him and I tried to fix that earlier but Mammon obviously wasn't having it. I...know what it's like to not have a say in your life. Make no mistake, I want to fuck your brains out here and now, but if you really want me to, you can just go back home and I'll lie to Mammon tomorrow for you."

Broken Toys (A Robo Fizz Romance) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now