Chapter Eight: Shower Thoughts

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       Author's note: I promise to get back to Robo Fizz soon I promise ❤️. Buuut I gotta do a quick flashback for the next two chapters. Next chapter will be lemony, more than the last one even so you've been warned.. Love you guys!!!


She'd been to Fizzarolli's once before, but Samara didn't remember this place. They stepped inside and it looked normal for what she had expected. It just seemed like any bachelor's crash pad, messy and simple except for several circus posters taped haphazardly on the walls. When she asked about it he merely shrugged.

"Eh, I've still got my other place, but I pay for this one too so I can have a place to get away when I don't want to be fucked with. Sometimes I play hooky from work here. Don't tell Mammon about it, ya hear?"

Samara flopped onto the futon couch and kicked off her boots, crossing her taloned feet under herself. They were pretty sore after all of her running around today.

"I wouldn't dream of it. You keep my secrets and I'll keep yours. Fair?"

He smirked, dropping down next to her and kicking his feet up on the cluttered coffee table, throwing his arm over the back of the futon near her.

"It's a deal."

Her face lost all color and he instantly wanted to take back his choice of words.

"Oh, shit. No no, not like that. No demon deals, I promise! Just an agreement between friends and colleagues...and fuck buddies, 'Kay?"

She nodded, a small smile gracing her face and making his heat up.

"Ok...thanks again Fizzarolli you're a real pal sometimes. So, any ideas where Fizz could have gone?"

He shrugged, picking at a loose thread in the futon by her shoulder.

"I had some time to think on the drive and I'm pretty sure I know exactly where he went. I'm at least 90% sure. And he should be okay there for a little while. You should give him some space for a while before confronting him though. If he's anything like me and no duh he is he needs a while to wind down. Now that he's been repaired he's also not exactly helpless. He's a big boy, Samara, you don't have to worry nearly as much as you do. Besides, you look like Hell...and not in a good way! Rest up here for a couple of hours. You can use my shower and I'll order some food while you do that okay?"

Her smile got wider. She really did trust Fizzarolli more than most, though she had no idea why. He and Fizz were the two people in this world that could still make her smile or laugh sincerely, despite the unconventional beginning of their associations.


Fizzarolli showed her to the bathroom and then left the room to go order a pizza and one of those big brownies you could get with them. A day like today called for junk food, and lots of it.

Samara finished washing off and sat in the middle of the tub, thinking and finally letting the day's events sink into her. Fizzarolli had said that Fizz would be safe for now and needed to calm down on his own and she believed him without question. Who would know better? They were entirely different men to her but they still came from the same base. She supposed she thought of them like twins- identical yet individual. He was right too, she'd needed time.

Confronting Fizz even to apologize while worked up into a panic wouldn't have gone well. She wouldn't even know what to say...that was why she didn't just jump out of this shower, strangle the information out of Fizzarolli and run off into the night. Still, what a shitty day!

Broken Toys (A Robo Fizz Romance) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now