Chapter 24: Greedy (includes original full song)

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The big band music thumped through the speakers, vibrating through the floor as Samara and Mammon stepped up to the door, bypassing the enormous line that wrapped all the way around the block from Ozzie's. Even during the daytime, this place was packed. It was regularly booked solid through the next year. The topless bouncer at the door regarded her with a haughty sneer as she stood next to Mammon, clutching her small silver mesh purse. She subconsciously wrapped her tail around Mammon's leg for comfort. She had suggested this place for good reason.

It was square in the middle of Lust Ring, and it was the perfect place to get Mammon wined, dined, and in the mood to make a deal that could actually benefit her most for a change. With her position by his side, paying more attention to the angry faces pressing in on them, she missed the smug expression that settled over Mammon upon feeling her tail squeeze around him, even as he snapped his long fingers to get the buff bouncer's attention on himself.

"I would stop glaring at my date like that, If you know what's good for ya, kid."

The bouncer snorted and puffed up, completely ignorant to the fact that he was squaring up with a demon prince.

"Oh yeah? And who the Hell are you? You even got a reservation?"


Mammon's face turned positively impish, watching with delight as the doorman continued to deepen his own grave with complete obliviousness.

"Then what the fuck are you crowding the door for, loser? Take your cotton candy colored skank and get to the back of the line and wait, like everyone else, kay? Kay."

He might as well have been digging with a steam shovel at this point. Samara winced. This could get ugly.

Mammon snickered and let down the barriers on his own powers, allowing the massive pressure of his presence to settle over the crowd. All of them shut up instantaneously, and as Mammon continued to glow with his eerie demonic light, he leaned in and poked the bouncer in the chest, knocking him flat on his ass with ease.

"If you call her a skank again, I can't promise that I won't put you through that cute little heart-shaped door that you're watching oh so closely. Tell Asmodeus that Prince Mammon, the ruler of the Greed Ring is here, and that he'd like a table for two, and make it close to the stage."

The bouncer paled, and the crowd gasped, a few of the individuals who had been sending particularly nasty looks now cowering behind their friends. As the doorman scampered off to find his boss, wobbling on unsteady legs that threatened to cave from shock and fear, Mammon cackled loudly, waving him off.

"There's a good boy."

"You know, I think he peed himself a little."

Samara giggled, her tail flicking back and forth mischieviously.

"One can only hope."

Mammon winked at her before turning towards the crowd. He jerked forward a step, splaying out his hands to frame his face and wide smile.


They screamed and backed up, knocking into the people behind them and getting shoved in the process for it. Mammon cackled all the louder at this.

The bouncer came back quickly, sprinting and out of breath, and bowed, immediately ushering them through with several meek apologies.

"Thanks, skank!" Samara called over her shoulder, sticking close to Mammon's side and sticking her tongue out.

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