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So we have discovered from the latest episode that our sexy boi Fizzarolli is an IMP! So, with that in mind I've got to make a few edits to previous chapters. Nothing super major BUT if you see new edits, that's the reason :). While that's going, I'll be starting to work on the new chapter of Tomorrow's Worries. I've had a nice long break from writing and I feel refreshed and ready to go :3. Love you guys!!! Also, follow me on my insta (phoenixfindsoddities) or my tiktok (phoenixdrawsandstuff) if you need to get ahold of me <3. Tiktok especially is where I spend most of my down time and that's the easiest way to put the boots to me to write again. I have adhd, depression, and executive dysfunction. Sometimes you just have to poke me with the Author Motivation Stick (preferably not in the eye please!) to make me go. Bye lovelies!!! <333

Broken Toys (A Robo Fizz Romance) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now