Chapter 20: I Cant Face You

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Samara jumped back, with such determination and force that she skidded to a stop, tumbled backwards, and managed to land unsteadily into a crouch about ten feet away. Her lungs were heaving and the ground seemed to tilt beneath her at odd angles. She wasn't entirely certain that she wasn't about to pass out right there on the spot.

"WOAH FUCK! Samara, is this DAMIEN, Damien? THE Damien? Like, cheating asshole that slept with your twin sister and broke your heart after she broke your neck Damien?"

Fizz was winding up his fist, swinging it around in a circle at a speed only a robot could produce, and that would produce a ton of damage if it happened to collide with Damien's soft, skin face. He'd liked this guy at first, but if this was the guy that fucked over his Samara, then he had no qualms about punching him all the way back to Pride ring and leaving him with a nice indented tattoo of his knuckles to wear for the rest of his miserable stay in Hell.

What in the name of Lucifer was another Sinner doing outside of their confines anyway? This raised a thousand questions, and he was ready to start beating the answers out of the shocked demon in front of them.

Damien's face was a mask of abject horror and utter befuddlement, and his legs wobbled unsteadily as he took shaky steps toward Samara, reaching out his hand before it was slapped away harshly by Fizz's metal claws that dug into his skin and drew thin lines of blood that dripped onto the thirsty, scorched sands. He hissed at the robot, but those words the stripey jester had said stuck in Damien's head. He too had questions, starting with

" that really you?"

His voice cracked and his pointed ears, that were more serrated and elongated than Samara's and lined with gold rings, drooped pitifully. He didn't look much like a threat right now, but Fizz still refused to let his guard down. The last time that had happened, he'd nearly lost Sammy. He wasn't about to go through that again. He'd even call Fizzarolli if he had to, to hell with his pride.

"Why aren't you in Heaven? You don't belong down here."

Damien rounded on Fizz, his hair flaring up, igniting into a raging inferno while the black tattoos on his body lit up with a threatening red aura, taking on the texture of fanned embers.

"Hey, what did you mean about Pam breaking her neck? That was an accident...right?"

Fizz pulled himself up to his full height, stepping between Damien and Samara. His metallic claws were fully extended and ready to draw more blood if necessary, and a deeply sadistic part of him was hoping that it would be. He sniffed derisively at the Sinner.

"Of course you'd think that. It's not rocket science. Did you roast your brain playing with all that fire? Samara's sister wanted you to herself, so she staged a little 'accident' and pretended to be horrified. Fuck's sake, she bragged about it to Samara right before she died!"

" to me, honey. Is he telling the truth?"

Damien jabbed a thumb in Fizz's direction, who was currently sticking his striped tongue out and holding up a spinning middle finger, mouthing to him

'Sit on it and spin!'

"Samara, say something, anything! Please?"

Words and emotions assaulted Samara's mind, swirling in a chaotic vortex that left her tongue tied and shut firmly behind her lips. It was all too much. She'd hated Damien for what he'd done. She'd hated him every day until that hatred had burned away all of her affection for him, or so she thought.

Broken Toys (A Robo Fizz Romance) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now