Chapter 17: An Explosive Act

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Blitz hummed the Mission Impossible theme while sneaking through the tents, his lithe, serpentine body easily able to snake around unseen. Moxxie and Millie trailed behind, ducking behind every pole and wall. Each imp had taken a long look at the photos they'd received of their intended victims. Samara's ex and her twin were in for a world of hurt when their plan was set into motion. Samara was so far Blitz's new favorite customer after how much cold hard cash she'd laid out. Seemed like being Mammon's little pet had serious benefits. He thought wryly that he should pester Stolas for more benefits or something. Maybe a nice extended vacation, all expenses paid.

They planned to take care of everything in the most dramatic way possible. Fortunately, by some amazing happenstance, both of their targets would be performing together. Apparently they'd married their acts and incorporated fire into the acrobatics. Blitz had insisted that this have pizzazz and make a lasting impact, after all a glowing review from Mammon's own right hand gal would do wonders for the public's approval and their clientele.

The IMP team didn't need to be as sneaky or cautious as they were, however, since nobody paid them any mind. The humans were all too busy prepping or hustling to their seats and the few who took notice just dismissed them as part of a circus act.

"Awww look at the cute little trained possum! They even gave him a bow tie, I'm going to die it's so adorable!"

One of the humans grabbed her friend's arm and pointed at Moxxie, who nearly burst a blood vessel as he sputtered and hissed with rage. Blitz grabbed him up and clamped a hand over his mouth before he could say anything to ruin their cover, holding back a laughing fit with a ton of effort.

"Careful ma'am, he thinks fingers are food. We've tried to get him to be more sociable, but deep down he's still a vicious wild animal. We thought the bow tie would help cutesy him up for the public, but it's best to keep your distance if you want to keep all your digits."

He dragged Moxxie off, muttering threats all the while.

The humans moved on, grumbling to themselves about animal abuse, and Blitz and his crew continued their trek towards the big top.

"Why do humans think I'm a possum? Millie, I don't look like a rodent, do I?"

He gave his wife big sad puppy eyes, and Millie melted, hugging him tightly.

"Awww, Moxx-Moxx, you're not a possum at all, but if you were, you'd be the cutest one on the planet!"

Moxxie blushed and thoroughly enjoyed his wife's attentions, their tails entwining to form a heart, even as Blitz made guttural gagging noises behind them.

"Alright, break it up lovebirds, we've got a show to catch. I hear it's going to be killer."

Blitz and his team had already taken care of the sabotage beforehand. Now they just wanted to get their own special seats with a nice full view of the horrendous display they were about to put on. Blitz snatched a child's new cotton candy as the kid and his mother passed through the tent flaps. The mother didn't notice them as she was too busy calming down her offspring's shrieking.

M & M had raided a popcorn stand. The group crawled up the outside of the tent, careful to avoid any eyes. It was easy going with their sharp claws and talons. Once they were settled at the top, Millie took out her biggest knife and sliced a slit for them all to watch through, with a perfect bird's eye view of the main stage.

"Ohhh, this'll be so much fun! We haven't gone out in ages!" Millie cooed, wrapping her tail around her husband's.

"Only the best seats in the house for my lady." Moxxie kissed her cheek, making her giggle. Blitz considered deep throating his sniper rifle.

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