Chapter Six: Honey, I'm Home...

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"Well hellooOoo handsome!"

Robo Fizz admired himself in the dirty mirror the mechanic had dragged in for him to see some of the final touches. He finally had his face back! A fresh coat of paint never felt so good. Not to mention the jester tails on his head had been replaced, so every movement jingled again. He poked his own cheek, pleased when the surface gave under the pressure ever so slightly. He then pinched and stretched it and toyed with his features for a while, making all sorts of goofy faces. It was nice to be able to have a more readable expression again. He was able to stretch and contort his limbs properly again too, and without the errant spark going off.

The reason his 'skin' was malleable at all was because of the mixture of technologies used to create him. Technology undoubtedly stolen by Mammon from Hell knew where. Nothing about him was truly biological. He fit squarely in the middle. It was more a softer, lifelike metal. That had melted away during the Loo Loo Land fires and had left only his tougher, hard skeleton. Thanks to his 'other job', he was able to switch off his pain receptors when it suited him, unless he was...ordered to do otherwise.

That was rare, thankfully, but never pleasant when it happened. It had really come in handy that last day at the park though. That was also why he wasn't just normal metal. At first he was, but 'customers' had complained about having to fuck just cold steel for the elevated price when they could just buy one of his cheaper counterparts...about him banging up their washing machines. Whoops. Fizz didn't much care what they wanted, but he did like his face this way so he wasn't going to bitch.

       'I wonder what Samara will think of this?'

He found himself wondering. A weird sensation crept up on him, and it took him a few minutes of just blankly staring at his own reflection, tongue still lolled out goofily, to pin it down.

'I'm feeling...shy?! What the fuck is that about?'

He huffed and turned away, thanking the mechanic and pulling his disguise back on.  It fit much better now that it wasn't just draped loosely over an endoskeleton. His classic outfit was packed away in a box for him that had been sent to the factory, and set aside for him here to take with him.

Samara was very late, trudging through the door almost an hour after their usual time. She brightened up when she saw him though, rushing over and pushing his hood back.

"Aww Fizz! You look more like yourself again!"

She clapped her hands, bouncing happily on her heels. He took an extravagant bow, taking her hand up in his and kissing it, to which she blushed. His internals were doing flip-flops and felt like they were twisting up again. He'd forgotten to mention that to the guy. For now he ignored it, plastering on his usual bravado.

"Yep, you get to see me in my full glory now, Sammy. Well, almost, babe. I'm still wearing your spare clothes for now."

"Your voice isn't even skipping anymore!"

She giggled. Both of them turned when the mechanic got Samara's attention, giving her a report and receipts to pass along to Mammon.

"He's pretty much fully functional. Even got his new voice box in. It still has the off switch installed. Give me a call if you ever need to use it. Seriously. That is one chattery robot."

He shot Fizz a pointed glare, to which the jester stuck his tongue out at him and flipped him the bird.

"I know you love the sound of my voice, doc. No need to be so coy."

Broken Toys (A Robo Fizz Romance) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now