Chapter 6

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Two days later

Keyoni davis

I step of the jet with my babies on my hips  dressed in a black shirt and tight knee length skirt. With black sunglasses to hide my black eyes.

Two SUVs waited for us on the airstrip standing in front of the first SUV was. Mr. Manino the man behind the Italian mafia and my baby daddies half brother meaning he is half Italian and half black.

"Ahhh sis in law I see you finally bought the babies to visit no.? Whew somebody got you good sis." Alessandro  said.

See about 6 months after smoke fell off the face of the planet with king Alessandro showed up at my safe house saying he was the back up plan if anything was to go wrong in the state. Of course when he showed up I was six months pregnant big as house and tried to fight him I broke his nose and shot him. He luckily told me something only smoke would know about me and I stopped just like that his life was saved. He was always a Jack ass nigga told me. I need to stop for the babies come out as mini assassins. If anything ever happened I was supposed to take the jet to Cuba and use the mafia that smoke left behind to build his own shit.

"Fuck you alessgro" I said handing one of the babies to him to relive the pressure on my ribs. "We got alot to talk about and I want nun but the truth.

I said stepping into the SUV as one of the guards opens the door Alessandro follows.

"Last time I was in Cuba I blew sum shit up".  I said as I looked around.

"Well let's not blow any thing up now deal" he said climbing in the car with micha in his arm.

The car started to move pulling out of the airstrip. I leaned  my head on the window letting my thoughts run wild. Smoke never made it to devil ? Could he have lied about smoke not making it? Crash is a enemy and how the fuck did he know where I lived. I mean damn i never mixed businss and my home life. I definitely have a rat. But who ???

My life just gets harder as the days, weeks, months, and years progress. I mean it has never been easy for me come on now ever connor I turn I met with a different problem. I still got issues from being raped and beat and abandoned by the people I loved the most. Losing smoke was hard because I started to love him and he just let himself get taken. From me.

Was that good enough I was left with 2 babies??

My dad wants to kill me. Why?? Is the question that circle my mind ever now and then . I mean I did shoot him and king that backstabbing bitch he gotta whole lotta nerve. The question other that circles my head is what would smoke think when he finds out?. And how is all this linked to my moms death. She killed someone that day and somebody killed her. I never seen a face just the feet. I heard his voice but it was so long ago that I dont remember.

The car jerked to a stop making me look up towards the mansion. It was tall sitting on gray cobblestone with a pretty fountain in the middle of the circle drive way. The mansion it self was a beauty. My door opens and a hand reach out to grab mines and help me out. I stand on both my feet and wait for jackass to walk around the car.

I walk towards the house as the guards open the door for me.

"Juile take the kids to there room and alxle guard the room" jackass said handing micha to julie and I handed  Michelle to her as they slept.
"Something happens to my kids I would torture you so bad you would have wished you mother had swallow you". I said to juile

"We can talk in the office". Alessandro said stopping my harsh glare at julie.

I followed him to the office on the far side of the house. He opens the door welcoming me inside I step pass him into the room. I sit in the chair infornt of the desk. He sits behind it.

"You opened your po box from mich am i corrected"

I nodded

"So you know I did some research and it was told that your mother left you father from and abuse and left your brother the opp behind. King was playing the long game that placed king in the foster care with smoke because they wanted them close. So for years they stayed in the same place see smoke had met a former hit man from the mafia that taught him all he knew to exact is revenge on the man who murdered his mother. King was taught by smoke and his father. Your father also. Smoke never knew about his origin until devil sent him to kill our dad. Which he did  King knew devil before they were recruited smoke saw king again after he disappeared from the group home with devil. Key shon isn't your dad  Ron is."

"Who is that"

" you don't know anything about your orgin imma explain you and  smoke are connected and it's not a coincidence yall got together thats what they wanted. See your mother was a whore in devil's whore house Ron met her there but never saw her face. He did his thing with her and left. Then shon had  her locked her a way. Months go by and she her stomach rounds. But not with shons seed it was Ron's. Your mother and smoke mother was friends and when smoke was turning two she was getting ready to have you. They hatched  a plan to run but its was two late the twins were born you and king looked nothing alike but king was loved more by shon he never knew that that was Ron's baby.  "

"After gabby heal mich helped her and smokes mom escape leaving king behind. Gabby and smoke moms went separate ways. But both where hooked on the same drug. That  caused neglect. She sent to people she didnt even know and called them your grandparents. Jay wasnt the only one to give you the name duchess that was how you was hidden. Your mom fucked up when she killed your dad which caused shon to kill her. Gret was paid by shon to abuse you and everybody was paid to turn a blind eye to it. The plan got fucked when you escaped. King found out your hotel  once you exited the plane and made a girl meet king there. You was connected long before  you were shot. why?? I havent figured it put yet"

"Ron was killed by gabby mich was killed by shon cause he was to close thos beef is before my time"

"How is all this connected"

"There is one more thing"


"I know where smoke is "

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