Chapter 12

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Memphis, Tennessee
13 years later

Kensi king

"Ken get the fuck away from me bro" I said snatching away from him walking towards tone.

"You bitch you fucked that girl and lied about it" . I yell in face pissed

"What you talking bout bruh"

"I got the video antwan the bitch sent it to me. You got me fucked up nigga." I shook my head laughing ". You know what keep that bitch."

I stepped back not giving him time to say anything I walked off past my brother towards our house. It's just me my brother and my mom. For as long as I remember it's been that way. Things changed because She dying from cancer at the age of 30. Leaving me and brother alone at 17.

They said she didn't have much longer but she wanted to die at home so she refused treatment she said she deserves what was coming to her it was her karma. I never knew what my moms past was like she never talked about it . All I know is that we came from Australia when I was 14. And I never met my dad she never talks about him. My mom always told me never let a man be your priority. She apparently did

I saw my moms cry many nights about whatever was haunting her in her head. She also made sure we never wanted for a thing. I love her for that. Right till she couldn't no more she worked her ass off.

My brother kendell was in the streets when we got to Memphis my moms was just  diagnosed around time he enter them. Ken tried to do what ever he could to get money for her treatments she refused she always told us she wanted better for us. He started small as a Connor boy but as years progressed he became deeper and deeper in the streets. He was jumped into the gang soon after.

He was always in trouble my moms always had to bail him out and had to attend trials. The doctors said that she was in her last days so she eventually stopped bailing him out. She eventually stopped running to his aid . It's not that she didn't want to she just couldn't.

Then there's  me kensi I fell in a rabbit whole with a boy I knew wasn't no good I broke all of my moms rules. He made feel like something and turned around and made me fell like shit. I wasn't going back.

I stomp up the porch opening the front door and walks inside seeing my moms sleep on the couch I walk towards her to pull the covers up and realized that her chest wasn't moving. My heart dropped I walk closer and fell down on my knees beside her. I lay my head on her chest and began at sob. There was no heart beat no movement and no light to her beautiful skin she wasted away.

"Mama I love you you are  the best lady ever Im sorry god took you this way you deserved the world. And much more."

"Si I to-" . Ken bust through the door but stops

"Si bruh don't tell me mama dead bruh don't tell tell me she gone bruh." He walks to us and kneels next me and lay his head next mines crying hard.

"She died alone ken she left us she promised. I cried harder.

Ken pulled me in a tight hug. I cried on his shoulder and he cried on mines. This way we knew we had each other for life. He was the other half me I understood that much more now.

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