Chapter 11

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Australia, Townsville
A year later

Bella Denise King

"Kendell I'm not gon tell your bad ass no more put you coat on nigga and get down". I say thumping him in his forehead pulling him of the dresser.

He started to fall out making me put him down causing him to throw a tantrum. I side eyed his bad ass.

"Get your ass up fore I beat your ass Kendell Kaden King ." Yes I got there first and last name changed and mines ass well. Meet Bella Denise Davis. Also Kensi Alizia King

"No mama I be good". He say getting up wiping his face.

He grabbed his jacket putting on by his self he did the same with his hat. I zipped up his jacket and putting his gloves and snow boots on.

"Kensi come here". I yell from my room.

"Im coming mama" . I here her loud feet running down the hall.

"Come p-". I was cut off by my phone.

"Hello" . I say picking up and answering the phone.

"Girl where you at Kevin barbecued and the kids are having a ball everybody's here but you sis"

"Girl Kendell bad ass ain't wanna get dressed". I say in the phone helping kensi get dressed and put her coat and gloves and hat on.

"Awww lil heartbreaker but text me when you on the way Bella". She says hanging up.

Yes I know I have friends nobody knows my past 12 months ago I found my self in Australia where it snows year round. It never stops and during the winter months there is no sun. The town is so small everyone knows everyone. Everyone here has a past they come from all over the world for a new place. And 12 months ago I was her. I drove for weeks upon weeks to find this place and it was the best choice I ever made It's away from every mistake I ever made

Within 3 months I met this couple who were extremely nice and showed me around me and Alicia hit it off well. She became a friend and I made sure I wouldn't let my past effect me meeting new people.

I also don't know what happened with my dad I guess he still looking for me with devil but so what. Imma be ready if they come. And as for mihika I didn't know if he was dead or alive I mean I did leave him there to die. If he isn't he just isn't going to get Over the fact that I shot him but so what.

Let him come.

"Go sit on the couch while I get dressed watch tv alright." I say kissing both the twins head.

"Yes mama". They both say going to the living room .

Just like last time I found me a quick job in a famous bar as a bar tender. I got it right away because of the body I had from years of training and the ass I gained when I had the twins. And not forget the shit of tattoos  I had. I still had a couple faded scars from the ass whooping I revived when mihika men caught me but that didn't effect me getting the job.

As I slipped my shirt over my head I blink and zone out

"Duchess get that ass up" I heard smoke say as he slapped my ass hard.

I smack my lips and turn over ready to cuss his ass out. He just smirked at me as I mugged the shit outta him.

"Stop playing bitch" I say rolling my eyes turning back over getting comfortable with hurting my arm.

I felt my hair being pulled back and a hand went around my neck.  I followed his hand around my neck as he pulled back to his chest. He brung his head close to my ear. Causing me to bite my lip.

"Watch your fucking mouth" he whispers aggressively in my ear.

I glance over at him and smirk he let go of my hair and neck making me turn around face him wonder how got over here so quietly.

"Get up and brush yo mouth and come eat for I fuck your ass up." He says getting off the bed walking out the room.

I blink out me and mihika have many memories and wasn't always work. We fucked and loved hard during my time with him. He fucked with my mind. I loved the shit out of that man for him to betray me. I do what I did best I ran from my problems. He was trying pull me back in to use me again I couldn't do that I had to get away. So I killed him I searched the news everyday but there wasn't no news about it.

I put my jacket on and grabbed my shoes slipping them on standing grabbing my keys walking out the room. I turn the lights off as I walk through the house. I then went on to the front turning the tv off.

"Come on babies" I say opening the front door grabbing the twins hands walking out shuting and locking the door.

"It's cold huh guys" I say opening the back seat door letting kendell climb in first and then kensi. They buckle up and I shut the door.

I get in and began driving towards The bushes . I know weird last name I believe 100 percent that's it's fake. But that's what this place is a escape from what it used to be a escape from who you used to be. I have never been more happy with my circumstances. Life has always been a spiral for me not up but downwards. The love I had caused me to be blind by what could have been. Not realizing the whole time I was a pawn in a game I didn't know I was playing.

Life never game me a fair to play but I always played the one I was dealt till I didn't want to play anymore and my kids changed me and I love them with ever fiber of me. I wished things were different everyday but they will never be a mistake to me never. I wish everyday I would have went a different route I wish I wouldn't have did that audition ran into smoke and I wish I never killed jay.

It's a lot of things I wished I did differently in life but now this is my life and I have the rest of it till the fullest. That's what I did I lived it to the fullest.

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