Chapter Twelve - Into The Lion's Den

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The Condor began making it's way to Skaal's lab under Knightmare's instructions. The Condor soon found itself in the heart of Terra Cyclonia.

Finn: Are we sure this guy isn't trying to pull a fast one? Cause this looks a little suspicious.

Knightmare: If I wanted to kill you, I would've already tried. Skaal's lab is in the palace.

Stork: This just keeps getting better and better. How long will it take until they figure out what we're trying to do kill us the moment we land?

Knightmare: When I killed Sky Knights, I would take trophies and present them to Cyclonis. 

Without hesitation, Aerrow took off the insignia from his shoulder pad. He then hands it over to Knightmare. 

Aerrow: Will this do? 

Knightmare: Perfect. 

Piper: What's the plan, Carth?

Knightmare: I'll keep Cyclonis and Skaal occupied. You need to find whatever Skaal's making and destroy it. 

Aerrow: You can count on us, Carth!

Knightmare: Avoid the guards if you can. 

As Knightmare prepared to meet Master Cyclonis and Skaal who were waiting outside the Condor, Starling hugged Knightmare in an unusual display of emotions. 

Starling: Be careful, Carth. 

Knightmare: I should be that to you. Good luck, Star. 

With that Knightmare exited the Condor, he was greeted by Master Cyclonis and Doctor Skaal. Knightmare knelt before the two. 

Skaal: Welcome home, Knightmare. I was beginning to wonder whether the Storm Hawks managed to bring you down. 

Knightmare: Hunting them proved more difficult than anticipated. But even they could not elude me forever. 

Knightmare then presented Aerrow's insignia to Master Cyclonis. As Cyclonis grabbed the insignia, she quickly recognized it. 

Master Cyclonis: Where did you get this? 

Knightmare: From their leader. 

Master Cyclonis: And the bodies?

Knightmare: My hunt took me to the Wastelands. We were ambushed by Lava Eels. I used the chaos to my advantage to kill them. As for the bodies, I had to leave them for the Lava Eels to cover my escape. The insignia was all I could recover. 

Master Cyclonis took note of Knightmare's story. Skaal then stepped in. 

Skaal: While Knightmare's armor is impressive, lava from the Lava Eels is corrosive against even the strongest sets of armor. I will have to make some modifications. 

Master Cyclonis: I see. Nevertheless, you have done a great service to the Cyclonian Empire, Knightmare. You have done what even my most faithful servants have failed to do. You have killed the Storm Hawks. 

Knightmare: I live to serve the Cyclonian Empire, Master Cyclonis. 

Master Cyclonis: Come, Knightmare. We have much to discuss.

As Knightmare walked with Cyclonis and Skaal, the Storm Hawks and Starling navigated through the corridors that led to Skaal's lab in search for the weapon Knightmare was referring to. 

Stork: What exactly are we looking for?

Piper: Some kind of superweapon. 

Finn: That doesn't sound vague at all. I'm sure this guy makes all kinds of superweapons in his spare time. 

Junko: Maybe it's a super laser? Or a giant space station! Or maybe both!

Stork: A space station with a super laser? Don't be ridiculous. 

Starling: We have to focus. We know there's something here. 

Aerrow: Starling's right. 

As the Sky Knights searched Skaal's lab, they heard footsteps coming towards them. Knowing someone was coming, they hid in the vents beneath the lab. Soon enough, Knightmare along with Master Cyclonis and Skaal entered the lab. 

Master Cyclonis: For your services, I will elevate you to a higher purpose. 

Knightmare: I am honored, Master Cyclonis. 

Knightmare then walked over to his stasis chamber. He seemingly activated it. As the liquid filled his tank, he glanced to the bent and saw the Sky Knights. He signaled them using blinks. 

Master Cyclonis: Is the Mass Shadow Generator completed?

Skaal: Yes, Master Cyclonis. It is fully operational and ready. 

Master Cyclonis: Good. I trust all the necessary preparations have been made?

Skaal: Yes. The Mass Shadow Generator is being moved as we speak. It is en route to Terra Mesa. 

Upon hearing this, both Knightmare and the Sky Knights were in shock. As they were talking, Master Cyclonis glanced over to Knightmare's tank. She noticed something strange with the control panel. She then chuckled to the Merb Doctor. 

Master Cyclonis: It seems that we have been deceived. 

As all eyes glanced over to Knightmare's stasis tank, Knightmare burst out of his tank. Immediately after, the Storm Hawks and Starling emerged from their hiding place. 

Skaal: This is most disappointing, Master Cyclonis. How could I not have seen this coming?

Starling: Your sick experiments failed, Skaal! Your monster is gone!

Skaal: This is a troubling development. This calls for more....draconian methods. 

Skaal then pulled out a remote and pressed a button. Suddenly, Knightmare's body was immobilized by a powerful electric shock. Knightmare lets out a loud roar as he collapsed to his knees. 

Skaal:  Did you really think I would give you this power and not have any countermeasures? Hhm. That would've been a horrid miscalculation on my part. 

Starling: I won't let you control Carth any longer, Skaal! 

Suddenly, a squadron of Talons burst into the lab. 

Master Cyclonis: I'm afraid I must take my leave. I have a Terra to destroy. Meet me once they have been taken care of. 

With that, Master Cyclonis left the room as the Sky Knights were surrounded by Talons. Knightmare was at the mercy of his creator. The Mass Shadow Generator was on the move. Atmos was now in grave danger. 

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