Chapter Seven - Hunting The Storm Hawks

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After being given his assignment by Master Cyclonis, Knightmare begins hunting the Storm Hawks. After days of searching, he finally finds the Condor in Terra Gale. Knowing the Storm Hawks were near, Knightmare began searching Terra Gale for them. His search soon takes him to the windmill. Meanwhile, the Storm Hawks and Starling were continuing their search for Knightmare with the help of Dove and Wren.

Dove: I can't say that I've seen such a creature.

Finn: And here I thought some black armored Nightcrawler would be pretty easy to spot.

Starling: Don't let his size fool you. He may be big, but Knightmare has shown that he's a skilled infiltrator.

As the Sky Knights continued talking about the search for Knightmare, Wren spots a hooded figure running in the distance.

Wren: It appears that we have company. It looks to be alone! Doesn't look like a Cyclonian pig.

Immediately, the Storm Hawks and Starling along with Dove and Wren exited the windmill to confront the figure. They were then attacked by Knightmare. He summons a shadowy hand from his chest to take down both Dove and Wren.

Aerrow: You're not getting away this time, Knightmare!

Knightmare's only response was his low and guttural mechanical breathing. He then readied two of his Energy Blades and lunges at the Storm Hawks. After the first wave of relentless attacks, Knightmare's cybernetic arms detach from his human arms and activate their Energy Blades.

Finn: This is really bad, guys!

Aerrow: Keep it together, guys! We're not letting Knightmare escape!

Stork: I don't think he's trying to escape! I think he's trying to kill us!

Without warning, Knightmare once more attacks the Storm Hawks with blinding attacks. Despite outnumbering Knightmare, the Storm Hawks were no match for Knightmare. 

Piper: He's overwhelming us! We can't take him on! 

Radarr then jumps from Aerrow's shoulder's to Knightmare's face. This temporarily stuns him as Knightmare uses his shadowy hand to grab Radarr. Just as he was about to crush him, Aerrow and Starling attack Knightmare with a coordinated attack. 

Aerrow: You're not hurting Radarr!

Piper then uses the Windstone Crstal to summon a gust of wind to Knightmare. Knightmare retaliates by lunging at Piper, but Finn fires a shot from his Energy Crossbow while Junko grips him in a bear hug. 

Junko: I got him, guys! 

Knigtmare quickly breaks free and begins to viciously beat Junko. Finn attempts to fire his Energy Crossbow at Knightmare, but he grabs Junko and throws him on top of Finn. Knightmare then lunges at Stork and grabs him by the neck and begins to strangle him. Starling then attacks Knightmare and breaks a piece of his mask. As Knightmare recovers from his attack, Starling saw parts of his face and was shocked by what she saw. 

Starling: can't be.....

Knightmare turned to Starling with emotionless red eyes. Knightmare's low and guttural mechanical breathing became more labored. Aerrow and Piper then launch a coordinated attack on Knightmare, but he easily overpowers them. As he was about to kill them, Starlng intervenes. 

Starling: CARTH! 

As Starling shouted that name, Knightmare stopped dead in his tracks. He turned his attention away from the Storm Hawks and onto Starling. Starling holstered her Energy Nunchucks and approached Knightmare. 

Starling:'s you, isn't it?

Knightmare said nothing as his low and guttural breathing began to slow down. Knightmare simply stared at Starling.

Starling:'s me. Don't you remember me? Carth?

As Knightmare's full attention fell on Starling, Aerrow and Piper slowly began to recover. Piper then readied her Shock Crystal and used to to discharge a high voltage of electricity onto Knightmare. Knightmare was soon overwhelmed by the electricity and was rendered unconscious. As Knightmare collapsed onto the floor, the rest of the Storm Hawks began to recover. 

Stork: Did it?

Aerrow: Yeah...we took down Knightmare...

As Starling looked upon the unconscious body of Knightmare, a surge of emotions began to flood her mind. 

Starling: We need to take him inside the Condor. 

Finn: Are you serious?! Like hell we're bringing that thing onto the Condor! 

Starling: We need to find out what happened to him! 

Aerrow: Starling, do you know him?

Starling was silent for a moment. There was no denying that Knightmare was in fact Carth. 

Starling: I'll tell you later. For now, we have to bring him to the Condor. 

Aerrow: Luckily we got a place on the Condor that can hold him. 

In that moment, the Storm Hawks and Starling brought Knightmare into custody on the Condor where they would question him about what happened. Meanwhile in Terra Cyclonia, Doctor Skaal was conducting experiments with the Mass Shadow Generator when Master Cyclonis came in. 

Skaal: Master Cyclonis! A wonderful surprise!

Master Cyclonis: How fares the Mass Shadow Generator, Doctor Skaal?

Skaal: I am in the final stages of completion. Once I run these final tests, the Mass Shadow Generator will be fully operational. Once completed, the Mass Shadow Generator will be the ultimate power in all of Atmos.

Master Cyclonis: Very good, Doctor Skaal. I am very much looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labor. 

Skaal: Oh yes, Master Cyclonis. It will be a glorious display indeed.....

As Master Cyclonis left Skaal's lab, the Merb mad scientist continued to work on the Mass Shadow Generator. Master Cyclonis saw the construction of the Mass Shadow Generator as a potential resource that would allow her to finally destroy the Sky Knights and finally conquer all of Atmos under the banner of the Cyclonian Empire.

Knightmare: A Storm Hawks StoryWhere stories live. Discover now