Chapter Three - Assassination & Slaughter

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After receiving his mission from Master Cyclonis, Knightmare soon arrived on Terra Atmosia. Knightmare soon began making his way to the prison where Carver was being held. As the Nightcrawler assassin infiltrated Atmosia, Knightmare made his way to the prison where Carver was being held. Without hesitation, he began slaughtering the Sky Knights guarding the prison. Meanwhile in his cell, Carver smiles.

Carver: What's the matter? Scared?

Screams were heard outside the room as Knightmare hacked and slashed through the Sky Knights. Eventually, Knightmare made his way to Carver's cell. The Sky Knights guarding Carver were overcome with fear.

Sky Knight: What the hell is that thing?!

Before the Sky Knights could react, Knightmare cut them down with his claws. Carver soon smiled.

Carver: About time. I was wondering when Cyclonis would arrange for my release.

Knightmare soon turned his attention to Carver. He then pulls out two weapons hilts. As he did, two crimson blades of energy emerged from the weapon hilts.

Knightmare: Carver.....

Carver: What the hell is going on?

Before Carver could react, a large shadowy hand pops out of Knightmare's chest and grabs Carver. The former Sky Knight struggled to free himself, but was unsuccessful in his attempts. 

Carver: No! You can't do this! I've....I've done everything Master Cyclonis asked of me!

Knightmare remained silent as he impaled Carver with his two crimson blades. Meanwhile, Starling was on Atmosia investigating the recent murders by Knightmare. Suddenly, a Sky Knight approached her. 

Sky Knight: Starling! The prison is under attack!

Starling: What?! By who?!

Sky Knight: We don't know, but Sky Knights are being slaughtered!

In that moment, Starling was able to put it together that it was Knightmare attacking the prison. 

Starling: Get a squadron together now!

The Sky Knight rushed to gather a squadron together. Meanwhile, Knightmare continued killing any Sky Knights that stood in his way. With Carver dead, he began making his escape. As he continued slaughtering the guards, Starling and a group of Sky Knights eventually cornered him at the exit. 

Starling: Stop right there!

Sky Knight: What is that thing?! 

Knightmare lunged at Starling and the Sky Knights. During the initial altercation, Knightmare cuts down two Sky Knights with his energy swords. Starling then kicks Knightmare away. 

Starling: So you're the infamous Knightmare. I was wondering when you'd show up. 

Knightmare stood still as he stared at the Sky Knights. A set of cybernetic arms then splits from his arms, giving him four arms total. His low and guttural mechanical breathing echoed through the room as four energy blades ignited. One set of arms appeared human while the other pair were completely cybernetic. Knightmare got into a combat stance and stared into the Sky Knights. 

Starling: Hold your position......

Knightmare's mechanical breathing continued to echo through the room. Fear got the better of one of the Sky Knights as he charged at Knightmare. 

Starling: Wait! Stop!

Starling's warnings fell on deaf ears as Knightmare cuts down the Sky Knight to the shock and horror of Starling and the other Sky Knights. Knightmare then positions his cybernetic arms in front of him and his hands begin spinning the blades in a whirlwind of motion that slashes across the floor. Starling readies her Energy Nunchucks as the Sky Knights readies their weapons. The whirlwind suddenly stops as he begins attacking the Sky Knights with blinding speed. The Sky Knights were hopelessly outmatched by the speed and ferocity of Knightmare. Despite their numbers, the Sky Knights were no match for Knightmare. At this point, Starling took the fight to Knightmare and isolated herself and Knightmare away from the other Sky Knights by leading him to the roof of the prison. 

Starling: I won't let you kill another Sky Knight, Knightmare!

Knightmare's only response was his low and gutteral breathing as his red eyes stared into Starling. Starling charged at Knightmare and began attacking him, but the Nightcrawler countered her attacks and put her on the offensive. During the course of the fight, Starling noticed something about the way Knightmare fought. It seemed familiar to Starling. 

Starling: (Those moves.....I....I know those moves!) 

Starling kept her focus as she defended herself against Knightmare's relentless assault. Starling was given no room to rest. One moment of hesitation could cost Starling her life and she would end up his next victim. Knightmare only saw a target. To Knightmare, Starling wasn't a human being, but an obstacle that was in his way. As the fight dragged on, Starling grew tired. She felt her arms becoming heavy as she swung her Energy Nunchucks at Knightmare to no avail. 

Starling: (I.....I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I....I need to think of a plan fast!)

Starling quickly realized that Knightmare outmatched her in every way. Despite this, she keptt on fighting. Starling kept fighting against Knightmare to the best of her abilities. Eventually, Knightmare overpowered her and had her at his mercy. Despite what seemed like impending doom, Starling showed no fear. 

Starling: Do your worst.....assassin. 

Knightmare showed no pity or remorse in his eyes. The only thing that could be heard was his guttural mechanical breathing. Knightmare prepared to strike Starling down. Starling closed her eyes and readied herself for what seemed like the end. Knightmare showed little emotion while Starling remained defiant. Before the final blow was struck, a blinding light had consumed both Starling and Knightmare. In that moment, it seemed that their clash would be interrupted by an outside force.

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