Chapter Thirteen - Breaking Free

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As Master Cyclonis left to unleash the Mass Shadow Generator on Terra Mesa, the Storm Hawks and Starling fought off the Talons while Knightmare was at the mercy of Doctor Skaal.

Skaal: Where did it all go wrong? It seems I need to make some adjustments to your programming.

Starling: Fight it, Carth! Fight!

Starling's words spurred Knightmare on. He struggled to lash out at Skaal, but the Merb scientist applied another powerful electric shock on Knightmare, immobilizing him once more.

Skaal: Reprogramming you is going to be bothersome. 

As Skaal lamented over the failure of Knightmare's programming, Knightmare glanced over to see Starling and the Storm Hawks fight against the Talons lit up something in Knightmare. He watched as Starling fought for her life. 

Knightmare: (! I can't....I can't give up!)

Knightmare stood up once more as Skaal applied an even more powerful shock of electricity, but Knightmare resisted it. 

Skaal: I...Impossible! How is this possible?! 

Without hesitation, Knightmare lunged at Skaal and grabbed him by the throat. He then grabbed the remote from Skaal's hand and crushed it. 

Knightmare: I....I am not your monster anymore!

Knightmare then tossed Skaal against the wall. As Knightmare confronted Skaal, Starling and the Sky Knights had taken down the last of the Talons. After that, they joined Knightmare in confronting Skaal. 

Skaal: This is....most disappointing. 

Knightmare: Disappointing?! You stole my life! You turned me into...this monster!

Skaal: I gave you life! If it weren't for me, you would've died that day! 

Knightmare: You call this living?! 

In that moment, anger consumed Knightmare. Rage filled his eyes as he held the man responsible for turning him into a weapon used to kill Sky Knights. Because of Skaal, Knightmare had killed many Sky Knights. Anger took over as he began to strangle Skaal. As he strangled Skaal, Starling stepped in. 

Starling: Carth....don't become the monster he wanted you to be. Remember who you are. 

As Starling spoke those words, Knightmare looked upon Skaal with anger and hatred in his eyes. Despite the unimaginable cruelties Skaal put him through, Knightmare couldn't kill Skaal. He dropped Skaal to the ground. As Skaal took a moment to catch his breath, Starling interrogated him. 

Starling: How do we disarm the Mass Shadow Generator?!

As Starling began to interrogate Skaal, the Merb scientist laughed. 

Skaal: The Mass Shadow Generator is a proud piece of technological wonder. The Mass Shadow Generator is powered by Leech Crystals. Once activated, the Mass Shadow Generator will focus the Crystal's natural power and convert it into plasma energy. Once it reaches critical mass, the plasma shall be released and unleash a destructive tidal wave of energy which will glass the entire Terra. 

Upon hearing this, the Storm Hawks and Starling were shocked. They had never heard of such destructive capabilities before. Now this power was about to be used on Terra Mesa. Starling became aggressive in her interrogation on Skaal. 

Starling: How long?!

Skaal: Once activated, it will time to build up the energy needed to glass the Terra. 

Knightmare then stepped in and grabbed Skaal by the throat. 

Knightmare: How do we disarm it?! Tell me or I'll send you to Hell where you belong!

Skaal: The only way to deactivate the Mass Shadow Generator is to destroy it's core! But in order to get to the core, you'll need to get inside the weapon! 

Finn: Sounds easy enough. 

Skaal: But once the weapon is activate, the radiation from the energy buildup will be too lethal for anyone to attempt to destroy the core. 

In that moment, the stakes for raised. They needed to destroy the core if they were to disarm the Mass Shadow Generator. 

Aerrow: We can't waste any time! Master Cyclonis is on her way to Terra Mesa with the Mass Shadow Generator! 

Piper: What about Skaal? 

Aerrow: One thing at a time, Piper. Unfortunately for us, we'll have to leave Skaal. We need to focus our efforts into stopping Cyclonis from unleashing the Mass Shadow Generator!

With that, the Storm Hawks as well as Knightmare and Starling left Skaal's lab and made their way to the Condor. As Skaal got up, he began to laugh. In that moment, Skaal felt as if the Mass Shadow Generator was on the verge of unleashing it's destructive power on Atmos. 

Skaal: I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.

Skaal smiled wickedly as he walked over to the intercom in his lab. He proceeded to contact Master Cyclonis. 

Skaal: I'm on my way to Terra Mesa, Master Cyclonis. Though I'm afraid you'll have some...uninvited guests coming along. 

As Skaal finished his transmission, one of Skaal's lab assistants frantically entered the lab. 

Lab Assistant: Doctor Skaal! The Sky Knights are escaping! 

Skaal: Let them go. There is no stopping of what's to come. Tell Captain Erso to prepare my shuttle for immediate takeoff. Today marks a glorious day for scientific advancement. I will not miss this day for anything. 

Lab Assistant: As you wish, Doctor Skaal. 

In that moment, Skaal prepared to meet with Master Cyclonis to observe the Mass Shadow Generator test run on Terra Mesa. In a race against time, the Sky Knights rushed to deactivate the Mass Shadow Generator before it was too late. 

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