Chapter Five - Brutal Display Of Power

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After escaping from Starling and the Storm Hawks, Knightmare made his way back to Terra Cyclonia where Master Cyclonis and Doctor Skaal were waiting for him. As Knightmare entered the throne room, Knightmare knelt before Cyclonis.

Knightmare: Carver is dead, Master Cyclonis.

Master Cyclonis: You have done well, Knightmare. By killing Carver, you have eliminated a loose ends.

Knightmare nodded to Master Cyclonis as Dark Ace entered the throne room alongside Ravess and Snipe. All eyes fell on the Nightcrawler.

Snipe: So this is the Nightcrawler Assassin Skaal built. Not impressed.

Ravess: We have no need of this abomination!

Knightmare paid no attention to the words being thrown his way. Instead, he kept his attention on Cyclonis.

Skaal: Perhaps a demonstration is in order? If your chief lieutenants doubt the skills of Knightmare, why not give both a chance to display their abilities?

As Skaal made that suggestion, Master Cyclonis became intrigued. She had never seen Knightmare in combat and she was curious as to how he fought. 

Master Cyclonis: Very well. 

As she accepted the offer, Master Cyclonis called upon a small group of Talons to join Dark Ace. 

Master Cyclonis: Dark Ace, you along with Ravess and Snipe will lead these Talons to attack Knightmare. 

Snipe: Ha! This freak will be nothing!

Master Cyclonis: Knightmare, you will fight my chief lieutenants. Use whatever force you feel necessary, but do not kill my lieutenants. 

Knightmare said nothing as his low and gutteral mechanical breathing was heard. Dark Ace then readied his Two Handed Crystal Blade. Ravess readied her energy Bow and Arrow while Snipe readied his Mace. The Talons formed up around Knightmare. 

Dark Ace: I will show Master Cyclonis just how weak you really are. 

Knightmare's red eyes darted around the room. Knightmare's cybernetic arms broke away from his human arms. He then pulls out his four Energy Blades and ignites their crimson blades. Without warning, Knightmare lunges at the Talons and begins to cut them down with blinding speed. Master Cyclonis watches as Skaal commentates on the display. 

Skaal: As you can see, Knightmare has been augmented to react much faster than a normal being. His mechanical arms allow him to wield four energy blades at once. His speed and strength are formidable. 

Meanwhile, Ravess fires her Bow and Arrow at Knightmare, but his speed allows him to dodge with ease. He then unleashed the Shadow Hand from his chest to grab Ravess. He then wills the hand to slam her on the ground. Snipe rushes to attack, but Knightmare easily reads his attacks and takes him down. With Dark Ace remaining. Knightmare moves in to attack. He then unleashes a series of lightning fast attacks to which Dark Ace barely blocks. Master Cyclonis watches as Skaal commentates. 

Skaal: Knightmare's fighting style utilizes unorthodox attack patterns. I've programmed dozens of Sky Knight and Cyclonian fighting styles into his mind. This allows him to formulate his own fighting style. As you can see, speed and strength plays a key factor. He also utilizes fear, surprise and intimidation to astounding results. 

Master Cyclonis: You take great pride in this one, Doctor Skaal. 

Skaal: I do not mean to brag, but Knightmare is among one of my finest masterpieces. Knightmare is the paragon of terror. 

Master Cyclonis: Then I trust your Mass Shadow Generator will be of equal value. 

Skaal: I assure you, Master Cyclonis. The Mass Shadow Generator will be to your liking. 

Meanwhile, Dark Ace continues to block Knightmare's attacks, but he is unable to press the assault. Knightmare shows no sign of tiring as he effortlessly unleashed his powerful attacks on Dark Ace. 

Dark Ace: I will not be bested by an abomination! 

Knightmare remained silent as he continues to batter through Dark Ace's attacks. Despite his best efforts, Dark Ace was unable to break through Knightmare's defenses. Eventually, Master Cyclonis had enough. 

Master Cyclonis: Enough. 

As Master Cyclonis stops the fight, Knightmare and Dark Ace stop fighting and bow before Master Cyclonis. She approaches them with deep interest. 

Master Cyclonis: It seems Knightmare has proven himself to be quite the capable fighter. Wouldn't you say, Dark Ace?

Dark Ace was silent. He didn't want to admit that something as unnatural as Knightmare was able to best him. He simply nodded as his pride was bruised by Knightmare's brutal display of power. The mad Merb scientist claps. 

Skaal: A most impressive display, Knightmare! You never cease to amaze me! 

Master Cyclonis: You have proven to be a valuable asset to the Cyclonian Empire, Knightmare. I have more use for you today. Rest. 

Knightmare: Yes, Master Cyclonis.

Knightmare then calmly walks away with his low and guttural mechanical breathing was heard. As Knightmare left for his stasis pod, Dark Ace voiced his concerns. 

Dark Ace: I don't like this, Master Cyclonis. He is far too powerful and dangerous to be kept alive. 

Skaal: Rest assured, Dark Ace. Knightmare is firmly under our control. Not to mention that I have set up a countermeasure in the case Knightmare goes rogue. If by some chance Knightmare goes rogue, I will activate an electroshock mechanism that will immobilize him. Of course I would have to reprogram him as to maintain our prized assassin. 

With that, any doubts of Knightmare had been quelled for the time being. As Knightmare rested in his stasis pod for his next mission, Starling and the Storm Hawks would continue to search for Knightmare.

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