Chapter Fourteen - Sacrifice

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After getting the information on the Mass Shadow Generator from Doctor Skaal, the Condor raced for Terra Mesa to stop Master Cyclonis from activating the Mass Shadow Generator. The Sky Knights began formulating a plan to disarm the weapon. They soon reached Terra Mesa where they spot the Mass Shadow Generator at the heart of Terra Mesa. 

Piper: Looks like it hasn't been activated. 

Aerrow: Good. Let's not waste any time! Let's go ahead and....

Suddenly, loud whirring is heard from the Mass Shadow Generator. What followed was a bright light shining from the center of the Mass Shadow Generator. In that moment, the worst cast scenario happened. 

Finn: Guys?! What the hell is that?!

Piper: It's the Mass Shadow Generator! It's activating!

Starling: We're too late. Cyclonis must've activated the Mass Shadow Generator!

Meanwhile at a safe distance, Master Cyclonis watched the Mass Shadow Generator being activated. A shuttle soon lands next to her. Doctor Skaal then exits the shuttle. 

Master Cyclonis: Right on time, Doctor Skaal. 

Skaal: I wouldn't miss this for the world. 

Master Cyclonis: Do they know of it's weakness?

Skaal: Yes, but there's no way they can act on it. The only way to deactivate it is to destroy the core from the inside. And with all that radiation building up, doing so would be suicidal. 

Master Cyclonis and Skaal watched with interest as the Mass Shadow Generator began it's countdown. Meanwhile, the Sky Knights are trying to find an alternate way of disarming it. However, there was nothing. 

Piper: This is bad, Aerrow! 

Aerrow: We need to evacuate the entire Terra!

Starling: We'd never be able to get everyone out in time before it detonates!

In that moment, a sense of dread fell on everyone. All seemed loss until Knightmare stepped in. 

Knightmare: I'll go. 

Aerrow: What are you talking about?

Knightmare: My Crystal heart should be able to withstand the radiation long enough for me to destroy the core. 

Starling: No, Carth! It's too dangerous! You'll die!

Knightmare: There's no other way! I'm the only one who can get to the core without dying instantly! This is the only way, Star. 

Starling didn't want him to do this. But this was an unthinkable situation. If Knightmare didn't do this, all of Terra Mesa would be laid to waste. 

Starling: Carth....

Without hesitation, Knightmare hugged her. 

Knightmare: I love you, Star. 

As Knightmare ended the hug, he walked over to the hatch that led to inside the Mass Shadow Generator. As he entered the Mass Shadow Generator, his body was exposed to lethal amounts of radiation. The intense heat caused great pain as Knightmare moved towards the core. With each passing moment, he could feel his body slowly being overwhelmed by the intense heat. Despite the pain, he pressed forward, knowing what was at stake. After what seemed like an eternity, Knightmare reached the core. He could feel the Leech Crystals beginning to drain his Crystal heart. He clutched the core with his mechanical hand. 

Knightmare: I....I will not die a monster!

With a deafening roar, Knightmare shattered the core with his hand. Doing so caused a chain reaction which destroyed the Leech Crystals. What followed was a small contained explosion which destroyed the Mass Shadow Generator, saving Terra Mesa. With this, Master Cyclonis and Skaal were left disappointed with the outcome. 

Master Cyclonis: How disappointing, Doctor Skaal. It seems that two of your creations have failed. 

Skaal was silent in his outrage. He felt robbed of his greatest achievement. 

Skaal: I will persist. In the name of science, I will persist. 

With that, Master Cyclonis and Skaal boarded the shuttle and departed Terra Mesa. Meanwhile, Starling began digging through the wreckage of the Mass Shadow Generator. She soon found Knightmare lying in the rubble. His breathing became labored as he slowly regain conscious. 

Starling: You did it, Carth! You saved Terra Mesa!

Knightmare was silent as he placed his hand on Starling's face. He could feel the tears streaming down her face.

Knightmare: Star....please take....this mask off. 

Starling: But you'll die. 

Knightmare: It''s too late for that, Star. Let me...let me see you own eyes.

With tears in her eyes, Starling removed Knightmare's mask, revealing the scarred face of Carth. Carth looked upon her with a small smile. 

Carth: Star....thank you....

Having taken one last look at Starling, Carth died in her arms with a smile on his face. Starling wept as she lost the man she loved for a second time. In that moment, Carth had been truly redeemed. He had broken free from the shadow of Knightmare and gave his life for Atmos. The Storm Hawks offered Starling their condolences. At her home in Terra Mesa, Starling privately mourned the loss of Carth. She had buried him in front of the memorial of the Interceptors. Starling looked upon the mask of Knightmare. It brought her peace knowing that Carth was finally at peace.

Starling: Rest easy, Carth. Till we meet again, Interceptor. 

In that moment, Starling truly was the last of the Interceptors. Starling looked upon the memorial with sadness and pride. It brought her peace knowing that Carth had been reunited with his comrades in the Interceptors. Though Starling had lost another comrade, she would continue fulfilling her duties as as Sky Knight in honor of Carth's memory. Carth sacrificed himself for Atmos. Starling made it her vow to see to it that Carth's sacrifice would not be in vain. And so the tragic tale of Knightmare had come to an end.  

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