Chapter Ten - Memories Restored

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As the sun rose, Starling made her way back to the room where Knightmare was being held. She could see that Knightmare was still unconscious. As Starling looked through the window, Aerrow approached her.

Aerrow: Are you okay, Starling?

Starling: I'm fine, Aerrow. I'm just tired. 

Aerrow: Maybe you should rest, Starling. We should be making our way back to Terra Atmosia. 

Starling: I'll sleep once I help Carth. I just...I just need more time. I know I can bring him back. I just need to keep going. 

It was clear to Aerrow that Starling was determined to help Carth, despite his terrible crimes as Knightmare. While Aerrow wanted to help Starling, he knew that Knightmare posed a dangerous threat to both himself and his team. Suddenly, loud explosions were heard outside. Piper's voice was soon heard on the intercom. 

Piper(Intercom): We're under attack! Cyclonians are attacking us!

Aerrow and Starling rushed to the Condor's bridge where Cyclonians had broken into the Condor. 

Talon Captain: Get those Sky Knights, boys!

The Storm Hawks were locked in an intense brawl with the Talons. The Storm Hawks were shocked at the fact that the Cyclonians got in the Condor. 

Starling: How did they get in?!

Aerrow: They must've tailed us! 

Starling and the Storm Hawks continued to fight off the Talons, but they were soon pushed deeper into the Condor. Meanwhile, Knightmare slowly began to wake up. He quickly heard the sound of fighting nearby. Knightmare's instincts began to kick in despite being conflicted. Knightmare got up and walked towards the door and broke it down. Meanwhile, the Storm Hawks and Starling were pushed into the engine room. The Talons soon cornered the Sky Knights. 

Talon: You were right to stalk the ship, Captain! This was too easy!

Talon Captain: I expected more from the Storm Hawks. How did a bunch of children get the best of the Dark Ace?

Aerrow: Don't think we're going down without a fight, Cyclonians!

The Talon Captain quickly noticed Starling. 

Talon Captain: Well would you look at that?! The Lone Sky Knight herself! The Last of the Interceptors! You might not remember me, but the last we met, you broke my ribs, my leg and my jaw!

Starling: I should've broken your legs while I was at it. 

Talon Captain: I'm gonna enjoy breaking you, you bitch! All right boys! You take the Storm Hawks! Starling is all mine!

The Talons then swarmed the Sky Knights. Despite their best efforts, they were eventually overwhelmed by the sheer number of the Talons. Just as the Talons were about to finish them off, a low and guttural mechanical breathing was heard. The Talons stopped their assault and all eyes were on Knightmare who was standing near the door. 

Finn: Aw crap! How did he get out?!

Stork: Well I guess that's it. We're doomed in so many ways. I knew it was going to end like this. 

Starling: Carth....

Knightmare showed no sign of emotion as he approached the Talons. Immediately, the Talon Captain was confused. 

Talon Captain: What the hell are you?

Knightmare looked at the Talons in the room as well as the Sky Knights. Without hesitation, Knightmare began brutally attacking the Talons. He hacked and slashed at the Talons with his metal claws. Despite being unarmed and outnumbered, Knightmare was too powerful for the Talons to handle. Starling and the Storm Hawks could only watch as Knightmare brutally killed the Talons in the engine room.

Talon Captain: Stop fucking around! Kill that fucking thing! Swarm the bastard! 

The Talons attempt to swarm Knightmare, but Knightmare was able to deal with the Talons without much trouble. One by one, the Talons were killed by Knightmare. Eventually, the Talon Captain was the last one standing. Before he could make an escape attempt, Knightmare grabbed the captain by the head. It was at that point, the captain recognized him.

Talon Captain: Wait a minute! You're that Sky Knight killer! What the fuck are you doing killing Cyclonians?! You're supposed to be on our side!

Knightmare looked upon the captain with his glaring red eyes. Without hesitation, he crushed the captain's skull with his hand. When it was all over, Knightmare was surrounded by the mangled corpses of the Talons that had attacked the Condor. The Storm Hawks were in total shock. 

Finn: Holy crap...

Junko: Are...are we in any danger?

Stork: Probably...

The Storm Hawks were paralyzed in fear. They had no idea whether Knightmare was about to kill them or not. Starling was the only one who had the courage to approach him. Knightmare's low and guttural mechanical breathing grew louder and louder. She then placed her hand on Knightmare's helmet as she looked into Knightmare's eyes. 

Starling: Carth? that you?

Knightmare was silent for a moment. He looked into Starling's green eyes. As if on instinct, Knightmare moved his hand and caressed Starling's face. A single tear fell from Knightmare's eye. 

Knightmare: Starling....Star....

Starling: It's me, Carth. I'm here. So are you...

In that moment, Carth had broken free from Knightmare. It seemed that Carth was no longer under the influence of Skaal's programming. Starling was stunned beyond words as she hugged Knightmare with tears in her eyes. 

Knightmare: Starling....

Starling had finally done it. She had finally brought Carth back from the prison of Knightmare. No longer was he the killing machine serving the Cyclonian Empire. Now he was the Sky Knight Carth. The two teammates and lovers were finally reunited. Now all that was left were answers about what had happened to Carth. 

Knightmare: A Storm Hawks StoryWhere stories live. Discover now