Chapter Four - Escape

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The fight between Starling and Knightmare was interrupted by a spotlight. Starling soon saw that the Condor was shining the spotlight on them. The Storm Hawks soon exited the Condor to confront Knightmare.

Finn: Whoa! Take a look at the walking tin can!

Knightmare stood in silence as his low and guttural mechanical breathing was heard. He looked around the area for an escape route.

Aerrow: All right, Cyclonian. Come along quietly. There's no where to go.

Knightmare kicks Starling out of the way and lunged at the Condor. Finn fires on Knightmare, but misses his shots. Knightmare then jumps off the Condor and into a nearby roof. Starling gets up and warns the Storm Hawks.

Starling: We can't let him get away!

Starling then chases Knightmare on foot while the Storm Hawks pursue Knightmare in the sky. Starling studied Knightmare's movements as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop. Questions began flooding Starling's mind as she chased down Knightmare. Something seemed vaguely familiar about him. Meanwhile, the Storm Hawks gathered on the bridge of the Condor where they were attempting to keep track of the fleeing Cyclonian Nightcrawler. 

Junko: Look at him go! I can barely see him!

Piper: I've never seen a Nightcrawler move that fast before!

Aerrow kept his eyes trained on Knightmare as the Condor continued to chase after him. Meanwhile, Knightmare kept jumping from rooftop to rooftop in an attempt to escape from both Starling and the Storm Hawks. Neither made escape easy for the Nightcrawler. Eventually, Knightmare ran out of rooftops and was cornered on both sides. On one side, Starling stood with her Energy Nunchucks in her hands while the Condor was on the opposite side. 

Starling: It's over, Knightmare. There's no where for you to run. 

Knightmare simply glared at Starling with his red eyes. All the could be heard was Knightmare's mechanical breathing as well as the hum of the Condor's engines. Starling slowly approached him as to not provoke him. Suddenly, Knightmare lunged at the Condor. 

Stork: That's not good....

Aerrow: All right, guys! Time to get him! Stork! Keep the Condor steady!

Aerrow led the rest of the Storm Hawks to confront Knightmare on top of the Condor. Starling soon jumped on the Condor. 

Starling: Be careful with this one! He's dangerous!

Finn: We totally got this oversized tin can!

Suddenly, Knightmare ignited his four energy blades and lunged at Finn. Finn shoots his Energy Crossbow at him, but Knightmare blocks all the attacks. Junko attempts to attack him, but Knightmare easily dodges the attack. Starling coordinates an attack with Aerrow and Piper, but Knightmare proved too fast for them. During the attack, Knightmare summoned a large shadowy hand from his chest to grab Starling. 

Aerrow: Starling!

Aerrow slashes at Knightmare's back, forcing him to let go of Starling. Finn and Junko attempt to swarm Knightmare, but the Nightcrawler easily dispatches them. Radarr then hops on Knightmare's back and begins scratching him. Knightmare soon unleashes his shadowy hand onto Radarr and grabs him. Aerrow and Piper soon rush in and rescue Radarr while Starling confronts Knightmare. 

Starling: You're not getting away from me! 

Knightmare soon engaged in an intense duel with Starling. Aerrow and Piper soon joined Starling and took the fight to Knightmare. Despite their numbers, the Sky Knights proved unable to break through Knightmare's defenses. 

Piper: Our attacks aren't doing anything! 

Aerrow: Don't worry, Piper! We're not letting him get away!

Knightmare began surveying the area for an escape route. He looked below the Condor and saw his opportunity. Knightmare jumped off from the Condor and into the streets of Terra Mesa. 

Starling: We can't let him get away!

Starling and the Storm Hawks continued to search for Knightmare, but found no trace. After hours of searching, they found nothing. 

Piper: I'm not picking up a trace on him.

Starling: How could he have gotten away so easily? 

Aerrow: We'll find him, Starling. 

Finn: Just what the hell was that guy?!

Starling: They call him Knightmare. He's responsible for the slaughter of various Sky Knight squadrons all across Atmos. 

Upon hearing this, Piper recalled hearing stories about several Sky Knight squadrons being wiped out. 

Piper: You mean....this Knightmare is responsible for the deaths of all those Sky Knights?

Starling: I've been tracking him down for weeks. I was only able to find him by sheer luck. He was attacking the prison on Terra Mesa. 

Aerrow: What was he doing there?

Starling: He might've been there to kill Carver. Why Cyclonis would order Carver's death is a mystery to me. 

At this point, it became clear that Knightmare was unlike anything the Storm Hawks have ever faced before. 

Aerrow: You'll need our help with this one Starling. 

Starling: No. Knightmare is far more dangerous than anything you've ever faced. 

Aerrow: If this Knightmare is a threat to Sky Knights, then you need all the help you can get. 

In that moment, Starling realized that despite her best efforts, she couldn't track down Knightmare or even fight him by herself. She needed help and the Storm Hawks were her best option. With that, Starling would be assisted by the Storm Hawks in the investigation on Knightmare. In the meantime, Starling would try to piece together the connection between herself and Knightmare as he seemed far too familiar to her liking. While this happened, Knightmare escaped from Terra Mesa and made his way back to Terra Cyclonia to report the success of his mission to Master Cyclonis. 

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