Chapter One - Stalker

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In the outskirts of Terra Klockstoppia, a Sky Knight squadron was sent to investigate a disturbance in the Terra. A Sky Knight scout investigates a broken down Skimmer. Upon inspecting the Skimmer, she contacts her squadron.

Sky Knight Scout: I think I'm getting close to the disturbance. I just came across a Skimmer. Looks broken down. 

Sky Knight Leader(Communicator): One of ours?

Sky Knight Scout: Hard to tell. From the looks of it, it's been here a while. Something took it down. I don't know what. 

Sky Knight Leader(Communicator): Hold your position. We're on our way. 

Sky Knight Scout: Copy. 

The scout hangs up and further inspects the Skimmer for any clues. She finds unnatural claw marks as well as dried blood. Suddenly, she hears leaves rustling in around her. She readies an Energy Blade and gets into a combat stance. She looks around her and finds nothing. 

Sky Knight Scout: Nothing.....

Suddenly, a set of metal claws grabs the scout by the neck. She struggles to break free, but her assailant snaps her neck and tosses her to the ground. Moments later, the Sky Knight squadron arrives just in time to see the assailant kill the scout. 

Sky Knight Leader: NO!

The Sky Knight squadron soon sees a man with black armor grafted onto his skin. His arms had jagged metal claws attached to the fingers. The face was covered by an intimidating metallic helmet. Red eyes could be seen from helmet. He had dark skin. Low and guttural breathing was heard. 

Sky Knight Sharpshooter: What the hell is that thing?!

Sky Knight Leader: This must Knightmare.....

Sky Knight Crystal Mage: We shouldn't have come here.....this was a trap!

Sky Knight Strongman: We must inform the Sky Council about this!

Sky Knight Leader: No. We must deal with this ourselves! We have the upper hand, but we must be careful. This one is very dangerous. 

Knightmare looked at the Sky Knight squadron. His low and guttural breathing intimidated the Sky Knights as he charged at the Sky Knights. 

Sky Knight Sharpshooter: I got this!

The Sky Knight sharpshooter fires his Energy Crossbow, but Knightmare dodges all his shots. Before anyone could react, Knightmare slashes at his throat with his metal claws, killing him. 

Sky Knight Strongman: NO! You'll pay for that, you son of a bitch!

The remaining Sky Knights soon attempt to swarm Knightmare, but cybernetic assassin was able to maneuver around the Sky Knights. The strongman attempts to tackle him to the ground, but Knightmare headbutts him with his metal helmet. As the strongman was disoriented, Knightmare then digs his claws through his eyes, killing him. As the strongman drops to the floor, the remaining Sky Knights ponder their options. 

Sky Knight Crystal Mage: We must retreat! We've lost too much!

Sky Knight Leader: We can't run now! This is our chance to take down this menace once and for all! 

Knightmare then charges at the Sky Knights. The Crystal Mage attempts to use her Crystal sorcery to attack Knightmare, but she is quickly overpowered by the cybernetic assassin. Before he could kill her, the Sky Knight Leader steps in and attacks Knightmare with a Crystal sword. 

Sky Knight Leader: Your reign of terror ends now, monster!

Knightmare then puts some distance between himself and the Sky Knights. Knightmare keeps his eyes on the Sky Knights. 

Sky Knight Crystal Mage: He's...he's too powerful! We cannot win this fight!

Sky Knight Leader: We have no choice! He will hunt us down and kill us! We must stand our ground!

Knightmare didn't give the Sky Knights time to react as he lunged at the Crystal Mage and grabbed her by the skull. Without remorse, he crushes her skull and throws her body at the Sky Knight Leader. 

Sky Knight Leader: You'll pay for all the Sky Knights you've killed today!

The Sky Knight swings his sword, but Knightmare dodges the attack and disarms the Sky Knight. Knightmare then digs his claws into the Sky Knight's chest. As the Sky Knight spits out blood, he collapses to the floor. . With the Sky Knights dead, Knightmare contacts Master Cyclonis via holocommunicator. 

Knightmare: The Sky Knights on Terra Klockstoppia are dead. 

Master Cyclonis(Holocommunicator): Impressive. You have proven to be quite the efficient assassin. This is the fifth Sky Knight squadron you've wiped out. Most impressive, Knightmare. 

Knightmare: Yes, Master Cyclonis.

Master Cyclonis(Holocommunicator): Return to Terra Cyclonia immediately. I have another assignment for you. 

Knightmare nodded as he ended communications with Master Cyclonis. As he walked away, he turns to see the Sky Knight Leader crawling towards him. 

Sky Knight Leader: won't get away.....

Without saying a word, Knightmare walked towards the wounded Sky Knight. Knightmare remained silent as he pressed his boot on the Sky Knight's head. The Sky Knight tried to fight back, but he was too wounded to fight on. Knightmare showed no remorse as he crushed the Sky Knight's skull within his boot. He then looked around at all the dead Sky Knights. The only thing that was heard was his low guttural breathing. His eyes showed no emotion as he began walking away without saying a word. He soon got on his Skimmer and returned to Terra Cyclonia. It wouldn't take long before the bodies of the Sky Knights were recovered. Word soon spread across Atmos that the Nightcrawler assassin known as Knightmare had killed yet another Sky Knight squadron. 

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