Chapter Six - A New Target

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As Knightmare rested in his stasis chamber, he once again found himself in the blackened void. He saw nothing but darkness but he could hear voices. He heard the male and female voices in the darkness.

Male Voice: I'm going for that Skimmer!

Knightmare soon heard battle in the void. What followed was a loud and deafening explosion.

Woman Voice: NO!

Something about this seemed familiar to Knightmare. It seemed strange yet familiar, as if he had experienced it before. He was soon awakened by Doctor Skaal.

Skaal: Wake up, Knightmare. Master Cyclonis wishes to see you.

Knightmare paused for a moment as the machines in his stasis pod finished working on Knightmare's Crystal heart. Soon enough, Knightmare was placed in his armor and made his way to Master Cyclonis's Throne Room. As he approached Master Cyclonis, he bowed to her. 

Knightmare: What is thy bidding, Master Cyclonis?

Master Cyclonis: Your skills in killing have proven to be a valuable asset. You have slain many Sky Knight squadrons. But there is one squadron that poses the greatest threat to our Empire. 

Knightmare's only response was his low and guttural mechanical breathing as his red eyes focused on Master Cyclonis. 

Master Cyclonis: The Storm Hawks have been a thorn in my side for far too long. Many of my champions have failed to kill them. They are a tenacious squadron. 

Knightmare: They shall be destroyed, Master Cyclonis.

Master Cyclonis: Do not underestimate them. Young as they are, they still pose a significant threat. They are no less dangerous. You must exercise caution. 

Knightmare had no visible reaction. To him, the Storm Hawks were no better than all the other Sky Knight squadrons he has hunted in the past. They were just targets to him. At this point, Skaal interjected. 

Skaal: I can assure you that Knightmare is more than equipped to dispatch the Storm Hawks. And if I'm not mistaken, the Storm Hawks are hunting for Knightmare as well. Most likely from that prison break in on Atmosia. We could use that to our advantage. 

Master Cyclonis took a moment to reflect on this piece of information. Knightmare remained silent as he simply awaited his orders. The details didn't matter to Knightmare. All that mattered to him were his targets. 

Master Cyclonis: You make a valid point, Doctor Skaal. Though the Storm Hawks have been hunted before. They will no doubt put up a fierce resistance. 

Skaal: Knightmare is more than capable of hunting and killing the Storm Hawks. He will not stop until they are dead. He will be relentless in his hunt. 

Master Cyclonis then turned her attention to the kneeling Knightmare. All that can be heard was his low and guttural mechanical breathing. She looked upon the cybernetic Nightcrawler with great interest. 

Master Cyclonis: Hunt down the Storm Hawks. Do what must be done. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. They must be hunted down and destroyed. Move quickly, Knightmare. Use the Storm Hawks's hunt against you to your advantage. Catch them off balance. 

With that, Knightmare stood up and approached Master Cyclonis. 

Knightmare: It shall be done, Master Cyclonis. 

With that, Knightmare left the Cyclonian Palace to begin his hunt for the Storm Hawks. Meanwhile on the Condor, Starling continued to reflect on her encounter with Knightmare. There was something about his fighting style that seemed familiar to her. As she reflects on this, Aerrow entered. 

Aerrow: Still haven't found a trace on Knightmare. 

Starling: He'll come back.

Aerrow: What makes you say that?

Starling: He's a hunter. Once he's locks eyes with a target, he won't stop until that target is dead or he himself dies. 

Aerrow: But he killed Carver. Why would he come back?

As Aerrow asked that question, Starling was trying to piece together Knightmare's motives. It was clear to her that based on his attacks, he was an assassin for Master Cyclonis. 

Starling: He's an assassin. Carver won't be the last person he'll kill for Cyclonis. It's only a matter of time before he sends Knightmare after me or you.

Aerrow: If Knightmare comes looking for us, then he'll be hunting the wrong Sky Knights!

Starling: Don't underestimate him, Aerrow. We both saw what he's capable of. He's...he's an entirely different monster. He's not like anything you've ever faced. I've seen the carnage Knightmare has left behind. 

Aerrow: Don't worry, Starling. We won't end up like the other Sky Knights!

As Aerrow made his point known, Starling couldn't help but feel concerned. She knew exactly what Knightmare was capable of. She knew just how dangerous he really was. 

Aerrow: I'll continue keeping an eye out for Knightmare. If what you say is true, then it's only a matter of time until we find him. 

Starling: Understood. Let me know when you find something.

As Aerrow left the room, Starling continued to try and deduce Knightmare's identity. She knew that there was more to Knightmare than just a Nightcrawler assassin. Something seemed familiar about Knightmare, but she couldn't figure out what. 

Starling: (Knightmare....who are you?)

As that question lingered in Starling's mind, she continued the hunt for Knightmare along with the Storm Hawks. What they didn't know was that Knightmare was hunting for them. In that moment, both Knightmare and the Storm Hawks were on the hunt for one another. Soon enough, both would find each other and an inevitable clash would begin once more. But this clash would soon reveal dark secrets from the past. 

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