Unexpected Visit

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Sesshoumaru stood at the top of a cliff. Katsumi and Jaken stood behind him. Rin was riding on Ah-Un. Sesshoumaru and Katsumi caught a familiar scent on the wind.

'What's she doing here?' Katsumi wondered, furrowing her brow a little bit.

"What is the matter, Sesshoumaru-sama?" Jaken asked.

"Incoming..." Sesshoumaru said.

"Huh?" Jaken said.

"Brace yourself, Rin," Katsumi said, just as a strong gust of wind swept over them, blowing Jaken back. Kagura landed on the edge of the cliff in front of Sesshoumaru.

"Heya," she greeted him.

"Ka-Kagura, you bitch..." Jaken said.

"I see you're back," Kagura remarked, ignoring him and glancing at Katsumi. "Thanks for the number you did on Naraku."

"Oh, did he suffer much?" Katsumi asked.

"It seems so," Kagura replied.

"Good," Katsumi said. Kagura actually smiled a little bit at that. "So, what brings you here?"

"Wouldn't you like two like to know... where Naraku is located...?" Kagura asked.

"!" Katsumi said.

"Where Naraku's heart is located... hmm?" Sesshoumaru said.

"Yeah. Sesshoumaru... you've noticed it too, haven't you," Kagura said. "That no matter how often you smash Naraku's body, he won't die. That brat Hakudoshi, Naraku's offspring, is the same. All because the part that concerns his life... his heart, is in a different, safe place. Don't you think so?"

"Sesshoumaru-sama, please be careful. This may be a trap," Jaken said.

"A trap?" Kagura said.

"Kagura! You're the offspring of Naraku too, aren't you!" Jaken pointed out. "How could we possibly trust anything you say, huh?"

"... Hmph... whether you believe me or not is up to you, but..." Kagura said, removing something from her kimono. "It'd be in your best interests to take this." She was holding a small crystal in her hand.

"What is that?" Jaken asked.

"Crystalized youki?" Katsumi said. It looked like the crystals she used to make with Taifuu Kochou.

"Very good," Kagura said. "Recently, that jerk Naraku, got his hands on the youki concealing protective stone... called fuyouheki. Most likely, it is to make certain the location of his heart is concealed. And this crystal of youki will lose its youki when it gets near to fuyouheki. So its a clue to finding Naraku's heart."

"Kagura, you plan to make use of me, huh," Sesshoumaru said.

"... Without someone of your quality, killing Naraku would be impossible," Kagura said. "Both skill and youkai power, there is nobody who can compare to you."

' 'Pr... 'Praise to death'!' Jaken thought.

'Well, it is true...' Katsumi thought.

"I'll leave this here," Kagura said as she set the youki crystal down on the grass. "The rest is up to you." She pulled out her feather and flew away on it. "See ya."

"That woman..." Jaken said.

"..." Sesshoumaru and Katsumi stared up after her.

"She seemed serious..." Katsumi said.

"Crystal of youki, huh? Hmph! Sesshoumaru-sama, what should we do?" Jaken asked, looking at the crystal, then back at Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru was already walking away. "Sesshoumaru-sama!?"

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