Faerie Fang

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Sesshoumaru and company were walking through the forest when he and Katsumi smelled someone familiar. They entered a clearing and found Seigetsu waiting there for them. He was holding an extra sword.

"Seigetsu?" Katsumi said as they came to a stop.

"... Katsumi," he said, looking at her with a deeply concerned expression. "How are you?"

"... Fine," Katsumi said, deciding not to burden him. She could see from the look on his face that he didn't believe her. "Considering that my wings won't grow back and I'm not exactly fully recovered."

"Our mother told me," Seigetsu said sadly.

'Then why did you make her say it?' Sesshoumaru wondered. It was obviously still difficult for Katsumi to talk about it.

"Please don't look at me like that," Katsumi said, though she was touched by his concern. "I'm not broken."

"She told me that, too," Seigetsu said, smiling a little.

"Do you have any business with us, or are you merely here to exchange greetings?" Sesshoumaru asked.

' 'Us'... huh?' Seigetsu thought, looking from his sister to Sesshoumaru. 'It seems she's made some progress...'

"I'm here to deliver your new sword on our mother's behalf, though I wanted to come see you anyway," Seigetsu said. "I had no idea you were injured until Rin told me, then when I tried to fly to Ireland to check on you, I realized I had no idea where that was, and mother refused to tell me, saying I shouldn't interfere."

"Well, for future reference, Ireland is far west of here, pretty much on the other side of the world," Katsumi said. "So, what's this about a sword? Is it the one Totosai said he was going to make?"

"Yes, and it's a real beauty," Seigetsu said. He held the sword out to her. It was a full-length katana this time. There were gold stylized hollyhocks on the sheath.

'Hollyhocks... 'ambition'," Katsumi thought, recalling their meaning in the language of flowers. She drew the sword. The light danced on the blade. The blade was light, or at least covered in it. The blade glowed emerald green.

"I was told to tell you that it's name was 'Faerie Fang'," Seigetsu said.

"Faerie Fang?" Katsumi said, a little surprised by the English name. "Did Totosai know English?"

"He said the sword spoke to him," Seigetsu said a little dubiously. Katsumi looked back at the blade in her hand. It hummed with energy. It really did feel... alive.

"What does it mean?" Rin asked.

"Well, you know what Faerie means already... 'Fang' means fang," Katsumi explained.

"Oh," Rin and Seigetsu said.

"Anyway, I'm supposed to tell you that if you want to know more about your sword and how to use it, you'll have to meditate with it," Seigetsu said. "The sword will teach you what you need to know."

"Right... It was like that with Taifuu Kochou," Katsumi said.

"Really?" Seigetsu asked.

"The sword didn't really talk to me, I just... sort of knew what I had to do," Katsumi explained.

"Our mother said you have to meditate with it," Seigetsu said. "She made it sound like the sword actually will talk to you."

"Okay..." Katsumi said. That was different.

"If you're finished..." Sesshoumaru said.

"All right, all right!" Seigetsu said. He gave Katsumi a hug. "Take care of yourself."

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