Chapter 9

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At 10:00 P.M. the party was crazy. A lot of people were there. Calum had a ton of drinks by this point. Ashton and Him were dancing.
Luke was just in the corner watching people dance. Drinking of course.
Once he spotted me he smiled. He walked over to me.
"Hey!" He yelled over the music.
"Hi" I yelled back.
"Want a sip?" He asked.
"Sure!" I replied back.
I took a sip and gave him back his bottle.
"It is so loud out here!" He said as he tripped.
He seemed drunk.
"I like you. Do you like me?" he asked.
Yep he is not sober.
"Um yeah let's get you to someplace where you won't get crazy." I said.
I walked up stairs and he followed.
I walked into the guest room and opened the window.
"You first." I said
"Your gonna make me jump?!" Luke exclaimed.
"No you dumbass. We are going to look at the stars from the roof." I told him.
"Ok" He said as he climbed out of the window.
The view was amazing.
"So why did you take me out here?" Luke asked.
"I wanted to talk to you without the noise." I explained.
"About us?" Luke asked
"No I want to talk about that when you are sober." I said.
"I am sober. If I was drunk I would be dancing naked." Luke said.
I laughed.
It was silent after that.
"I really like you Luke. But I just don't want to ruin out friendship here." I told him.
"That won't happen. Even if we do break up I will still like you." Luke said.
I bit my lip.
"Kennedy why don't you and me go on a date." Luke recommended.
"Ok." I said
Luke smiled. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss speed up and he put his hand on my hip. We were on the roof so I started to lay down so we wouldn't fall off.
Then we heard a yell. It was my brother. Naked! Outside.
"Hey guys!" He said as he waved.
Luke started to burst out laughing.
I couldn't help but laugh too.
"I will get him a blanket. Luke can you find his clothes?" I asked.
He nodded and we both slid through the window to go back to the room.
Luke left the room and I grabbed a blanket and headed down the stairs to the front yard.
"Oh Calum." I laughed as I covered him with the blanket.
"Ashton dared me." He explained.
"We are both drunk." He said.
I laughed and waited for Luke to come with his clothes.
"Here you go." Luke said as he handed me the clothes.
"Um I am going back home with Calum. I will see you.." Luke cut me off, " Tomorrow at 1:00. I will pick you up." Luke said.
I nodded and said goodbye.
And Calum and I headed off to our house.
Once we got home I walked Calum to his room.
He jumped into bed and fell asleep.
I laughed and went to my room.
I changed into my pjs and turned on my tv.
Just as picked a movie, I heard a knock on my window.
I opened it. It was Luke!
"What are you doing here?" I asked
" I lost my keys to my house and my mom is working right now." Luke explained.
"Come in" I said.
He slid through the window and Closed it.
"Do you mind if I stay the night here?" He asked.
"Of course not. Mi casa, tu casa" I joked.
He laughed.
"You want to watch a scary movie with me?" I asked
"Sure." He said
Luke took of his shoes and got into my bed.
I picked out 'The woman in black' and got into bed with him.
We both cuddled and I ended up falling asleep on his chest.

My Brother's Best friend// 5sos fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now