Chapter 4

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Calum and I kept on talking about Luke until we arrived at McDonald's. Everything is so close so we walk everywhere.
Mikey, Ashton,and Luke all had their food already.
"Hi"Mikey says
"Hey" Ashton says
Luke had good in his mouth but still waved. I sat next to him and he gave me a friendly hug.
"I want a hug!" Mikey pouts
I laugh
"She likes me not you." Luke tells Mikey
Mikey smirks
I blush like crazy
"All of you shut up!" Ashton screams
His attention changes to a girl over by the other seats.
"She is cute, but Kennedy is cuter." Luke says as he puts his arms around me.
"Shut up Luke!" Ashton commands
His screaming gets the girl's attention. She smiles when she sees him and waves.
Ashton waves back.
Mikey starts laughing and mocks the wave.
"A wave!" Mikey teases
I just laugh.
Luke still had his arm around me.
"Want my fries?" Luke ask
"Sure" Calum chimes in
He takes the fries.
"I was asking your sister." he says
Calum nodds and gives me the fries.
And I eat them
Luke still keeps his arm around me the whole time.
I lay my head on his shoulder and he holds me tighter.
It is funny how 2 days ago I didn't know that I would have a boyfriend. Well kinda a boyfriend.
"You guys make me sick." Calum teases while pretended to puke.
Luke says "I don't care."
Calum then replies " Well you don't have to be so mean about it."
Luke laughs.
"Well let's go." Mikey says
"Where?" I ask
"Um.. Your house. Duh." Mikey says
I laugh then we all throw our trash away.

Note: sorry this was a short chapter but thank you guys for 57 views! This happened so fast 😂

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